Thailand Visa question No. 098/22: 90 days notice

By Submitted Message
Posted in Visa question
April 14, 2022

Questioner: John Wittenberg

On May 13 I fly back to the Netherlands with my OA visa. On February 8, I completed my 90-day report. On May 8, the 90 days are over again and I have to report again. When I asked the immigration officer if I have to when I fly back 5 days later he replied quite casually that I don't have to register before May 8th. And before I knew it it was the next person's turn.

My question is: Do I indeed not have to make the 90-day notification and can I fly to NL on May 13 without any problems?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Officially you have to report the 90 days for every period of 90 days of continuous stay. They will be over on May 8th and so you have to make a report. Regardless, you actually have until May 15 to make that report.

Do it online if necessary. It couldn't be easier.

Immigration Bureau

What if you don't do it now and will you have problems when you leave? No, normally not because we do not check that on departure either.

Your next 90-day notification is 90 days after you return to Thailand. In each situation, the count then starts counting down from 1.

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