Questioner: Joshua

I recently stayed in Thailand for four months with a tourist visa. I'm going back to Thailand next September (annual return) and now I have a plane ticket. My intention is to stay in Thailand for 7 to 8 months. I will retire in August. I can meet the financial conditions.

Question: can I already apply for a visa, and which visa would be best (multiple entry).

Reaction RonnyLatYa

There is no point in applying for your visa now if you are not leaving until September. In the case of a Single entry, it will expire before you leave in September. It is only valid for 3 months.

You retire in August and then you still have plenty of time. A few weeks before departure is sufficient and then you immediately have proof that you are retired.

Since you will be going for 7-8 months each time, it is best to apply for a Non-immigrant O Single entry.

You will then receive 90 days upon arrival, which you can then extend for a year in Thailand. I understand that you can meet the conditions for a year extension. Just don't forget when you leave Thailand to take a re-entry and make sure you're back for your next annual renewal. This way you can renew annually in Thailand and you no longer have to purchase a visa every time you go to Thailand.

You can of course also take a Multiple entry, but then you would have to leave Thailand every 90 days. Maybe by the end of this year that the "borders" will be open again and that is an option, but you will soon get tired of "border running", especially if you live a little way from the border.

Remember that “border running” is also not free and it can quickly add up. A Multiple entry is valid for one year, which also means that you will have to reapply for it every year.

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