Questioner: Ad

On your advice I will get started with the Non-Immigrant Visa O (others). Now you said that after the 90 days you can possibly extend it for 1 year. Do you receive this in one go this year or do you still have to report every 90 days during this extra year?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

It is the 90-day residence period that you received on arrival that you will extend and of course you must do this before those 90 days are up. You can start the application standard 30 days before the end of those 90 days. You immediately get a year and it will always follow those 90 days. Not on the day you request it.

Every 90 days of continuous residence in Thailand you must submit an address confirmation at Immigration. Usually also referred to as a 90-day notice. It is free and has nothing to do with your annual extension. It only confirms your address in Thailand.

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