Questioner: Jan

I arrived in Thailand with a visa on arrival, now want to stay in Thailand for another month, can I extend this in Khon Kaen and where? What should I bring?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

As a Belgian or Dutch you cannot obtain a “visa on arrival”.

You have entered on “Visa Exemption”.

You can extend this period of stay once by 30 days. For that you have to go to the immigration office of Khon Kaen.

You normally need the following forms and/or proof

1. Form TM7 – Extension of temporary stay in the Kingdom – Completed and signed.

2. Recent passport photo(s) (4×6)

3. 1900 Baht for the extension

4. Passport

5. Copy passport page with personal details

6. Copy passport page with the “Arrival stamp”

7. Copy of the TM6 -Departure card

8. You may also be asked where you are staying and whether your arrival there was reported. This has to be done with a TM30 form.

If it was already done online, immigration will normally also see it on their screen.

If you stay in a hotel/guesthouse/etc, they are responsible for this.

If you are staying with family/friends/etc, the person who provides you with accommodation must take care of this.



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