Questioner: Marcel

I have been living permanently in Thailand for 2 years on the basis of a retirement visa O. I have been married to a Thai for a year since January. My question now is, would it be wise to switch to a marriage visa?

I hear from some others that this is actually not that simple. My pension amount is currently high enough and I deposit a minimum of 65.000 baht monthly into my Thai bank account. Are there a number of benefits to the marriage visa other than the financial aspect, and what should I do to switch if necessary? My extension currently runs until November.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Actually, you have to compare the local requirements and rules of both to see the actual differences. It makes no sense to compare a “Retired” in Pattaya with a Thai Marriage in, say, “Nong Khai”.

In general you could say that a "Retired" is handled faster than a "Thai Marriage" because fewer supporting documents have to be provided, usually no "under consideration" period is inserted and no home or neighborhood investigation is done, but that is certain not like that everywhere.

Why someone chooses a “Thai marriage” over a “Retired” can have all kinds of causes such as:

– Financial. With a bank amount, the sum is limited to at least 400 Baht and it only needs to be in the bank account 000 or 2 months before the application. In the other months, the applicant is free to use it. Or is an income of 3 Baht sufficient.

– Health insurance. Not a requirement as is currently the case with OA owners.

– Age limit. No age limit, which can be a point especially for applicants under 50 years of age.

- To work. The possibility to apply for a work permit will continue to exist.


But it is a choice that someone makes and everyone will have their reasons for choosing “Retired” or “Thai Marriage”. One is therefore no better or worse than the other.

Perhaps readers can let us know their choice and why they chose it.

6 Responses to “Thailand Visa Question No 018/21: Retired of Thai marriage?”

  1. jacob says up

    I work so I don't have a choice right now, but if I have the choice, I'm going to retire
    Money in the bank, or an income, and you're basically done with the conditions

    Wedding; photos, statement from the neighbors or yai job, visit of immigration, marriage certificate must be confirmed every year, tabien job of the wife and the yellow one if you have it from yourself,….and I must have forgotten a number of documents…those of the employer but not listed….another pack of paper.

  2. singtoo says up

    Everyone ultimately chooses his or her way.
    I've been here for years on Marriage Extension.
    And I don't find it difficult.
    Yes, a little more paper than on marriage.
    So if you hate, get stressed out about papers yes take, or stay, then retirement.
    There are those who are surprised that I just do my renewal myself.
    Just Thb 1,900 for the extension, Thb 100 for passport photos, Thb 100 for the bank letter and some copying costs and that was it.
    Or else hire an agent. 🙂
    Every year I copy my papers to the folder with the next year.
    And I update the data where necessary.
    A new income statement or bank letter.
    Haven't had any problems yet.

    • singtoo says up

      Ps a little more paper as on retirement instead of marriage. 😉

  3. Adriaan says up

    I was advised against getting a marriage visa by a corpulent friendly English former consular employee, volunteer at the immigration service of Pattaya about 12 years ago.

    You are then dependent on your partner at all times and things can go wrong. Especially if you suddenly have to double your financial capacity due to a divorce or otherwise.

    A retirement visa is the best option.

  4. Adri says up

    Indeed a marriage visa is ok, but what happens if you get a divorce….. or the worst case your wife dies, what then………
    And you then no longer have the 800000 available, which you should have.
    Does anyone have an answer to this.

    • RonnyLatYa says up

      If you get divorced, you have to go to Immigration because the reason for obtaining the annual extension no longer exists.
      They can decide that your annual extension will be withdrawn and you will have to apply for a new annual extension under different conditions. For example, as a parent of a Thai child if present or "Retired" if you meet the age requirement.
      But they can also just decide that you can take out the annual extension.

      If your wife dies, you can cancel the full annual extension. For several years now, this has no longer been a reason for immigration to revoke your annual extension. You will therefore have to use another reason for the next year extension or marry again, of course.

      There are also more ways than just that bank amount of 800 Baht to meet the financial conditions of a “Retired”.

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