Thailand Visa question No. 006/22: Which visa for 4 month stay?

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Posted in Visa question
January 5 2022

Questioner: Jan

I am asking this question for a friend, he wants to come to Thailand on February 3rd with his Thai wife. He is 68 years old and wants to stay for 4 months. What papers does he need? This is because everything is always changing.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

For 90 days it's easy. Tourist visa. It comes with you for 60 days upon arrival. Can he extend by 30 days and does he have a total of 90 days.

Non-immigrant O Retired or Thai Marriage visa. It immediately comes with you for 90 days.

Are you going longer than 90 days, ie 4 months….

As a married couple, he could then in principle also extend both periods of residence by 60 days. But strictly speaking, the reason is only to visit his Thai wife. This means that his wife should actually also officially live in Thailand, or at least have an address. He will also have to show proof of marriage, which means that the marriage must also be registered in Thailand.

Some immigration offices are not so strict about that and grant those 60 days flexibly, but there are some that are not so lenient about it.

He cannot extend his 90 days with a Non-immigrant O by 30 days in Thailand, but he can extend it by a year. Can be used as a Thai Marriage or as a Retired. He will then have to meet the conditions of a year extension, of course.

He can also opt for an STV (Special Tourist Visa) upon departure. Can he stay in Thailand for 3 x 90 days. This visa normally ends in September.

He can also opt for Non-immigrant OA. He immediately receives 1 year upon arrival.

You can easily find the requirements for each visa on the website of the embassy.

The choice is his.

E-Visa Categories, Fee and Required Documents – สถานเอกอัครราชทูตณ กรุงเฮก (

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