Questioner: Luke

At the end of April I will leave for my home in the Netherlands. When I emigrated, I had a re-entry stamp placed and they put the date that my annual visa must be renewed again, namely October 6, 2023. However, my Thai wife and I will not return to Thailand until the end of November for 5 months.

My question now is: must and/or can I already arrange the extension of my annual visa, otherwise I assume I will have a problem.

Thank you for your response.

Reaction Lung Addy

It is not your 'annual visa' that needs to be renewed but your 'period of stay'

A Re-Entree stamp always runs until the end of your annual renewal, never longer, so until October 6, 2023.

You cannot NOW make an annual extension of the previous period of stay until 6/10/2023. This is only possible 1 month (at some offices 1.1/2 months before it expires. So at the earliest in September 2023. (August 2023)

You don't have a problem. You will only have to start over if you want to get a NON O visa. Since you return too late, everything has expired, Re-Entre or not.

You can apply for a new Non O at the Thai embassy in the Netherlands.

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