Questioner: Peter

I entered Thailand on September 23. With a Non O single entry valid until December 22. My intention is to extend afterwards for 1 year. I transferred the amount of 800.000 baht to the Thai bank on September 17. My concern is that if I renew at tm Samutprakaan at the end of November, I might get in trouble, because the 3 months requirement is not enough. At tm in nonburie it says in 60 days.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Your stay period runs from September 23 to December 22. By default, you can start the application for an annual extension 30 days before the end date of your stay, although there are also those who accept it 45 days before that. In principle, you could then submit the application from 22 November. Since a bank amount must be paid 2 months before the application and this was done on September 17, this is also sufficient for your application.

Two months in the bank before the application date has been the official period for several years, both for first and subsequent applications. But as usual there are immigration offices that stick to a period of 3 months due to stubbornness. Especially for follow-up requests because that's how it was before and they stubbornly hold on to it.

In your case I don't really expect a problem.

It's your first application and even if they stubbornly persist with that 3 month, you just go on December 18th. If it's at least 3 months on it and you're still well on time.

Please note that after approval, the 800 Baht will remain on it for 000 months. Then you may use it, but you may not go lower than 3 Baht. If you are going to use it, make sure that it is replenished in time for your next application and then play it safe and make sure that it is supplemented 400 months before the next application.

Don't panic, it will be fine.

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