Questioner: Adrian

I have to renew my visa in a few months, now I would like to know which date should I keep for renewal?

  1. the date of visa issue
  2. the date of arrival Thailand (customs stamp)
  3. the date of first renewal

Thanks in advance for the help

Reaction RonnyLatYa

It is never the visa that you extend, but the period of stay that you have obtained with that visa.

You have to look at the end date of that period of stay, ie the date until which you are allowed to stay in Thailand. You can find the end date:

– or in the “Arrival stamp” you received upon entry. There you will find that end date next to “Admitted until ……”

– or you have previously obtained a year extension and then it is in the stamp of that last year extension. You will find that date next to “”Extension of stay permitted up to …..”

By default, you can submit the extension request 30 days before that end date until the end date. Some immigration offices also accept the application 45 days before the due date.

It does not really matter when you will submit the application for an extension, because the annual extension is always following your last day of residence. So you don't win or lose anything by applying 30 (45) days before the end date, in the middle of that period, or even the last day.

Of course, it's not really a good idea to wait until the last day. You never know that you suddenly become ill, people want to see extra evidence, a closing day suddenly appears, etc….

I myself usually go 2-3 weeks before the due date and that is well in time. But everyone has to decide for themselves, of course, and what suits you best.



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