Questioner: Rudolf

I have a difference of opinion with my Thai wife. My Dutch brother-in-law has been living in Thailand (Kantang) with my sister-in-law for about 8 years on the basis of marriage. She has 3 children from a Thai man. I thought I read here that if the Thai partner dies early, you can stay until the annual visa expires.

I think he should remarry soon if this ever happens, or else apply for a retired visa. My sister-in-law's daughter went to immigration in Kantang to inquire about this. At the immigration it was claimed that he could continue with this visa, on the basis that daughter could guarantee, if an extension is required, of course with the 400.000 baht scheme.

Seems like a nonsense story to me, but maybe you know more?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

  1. If the Thai wife dies, the foreign husband may simply take out his annual extension. This has changed in that sense since last year.
  2. Afterwards he can:

– Or request a year extension based on “Retirement”.

– Or get married again and then ask for another year extension based on “Thai Marriage”.

– Or ask for a year extension based on a Thai child. Then that child must be younger than 20 years old, live under the same roof and he must be able to prove that he is the father or guardian. If he can prove that the child cannot live independently, it may also be older than 20 years.

– And there is also a possibility to ask for an extension of the year if it can be proven that you are being maintained/cared for by your children, ie you live with your children and they take care of you. Then an income of 40 Baht/000 Baht bank is also sufficient. But he will have to prove that they are his children, I think.

So it exists and probably people mean this way. He can try if the situation arises. On what not?



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