Questioner: Raymond

A medical certificate is required for my visa application. Does anyone know where you can have the medical statement completed? I assume you also have to undergo a medical examination?

I would like to know where this is possible near Eindhoven or The Hague?

There is some speed involved. Since I want to leave as soon as possible.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

As a Belgian I am not familiar with what can / cannot be done in the Netherlands and therefore leave it to the reader and especially those who previously needed that medical certificate.

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16 Responses to “Thailand Visa Question No. 056/21: Non-Immigrant OA – Medical Statement”

  1. john says up

    Raymond I just looked at the website of the Thai embassy. Nb the English website. That is indeed the medical statement mentioned.

    There's even a "click" indicated in that piece of text. If you click on it you will get a Thai/English text. It states that, among other things, it is stated that you do not have leprosy, TB, elephantiasis, drug addiction, syphillis.
    I don't have an answer to your question where you can get something like this.

    • RonnyLatYa says up

      Well, finding that form is not the problem

  2. Mike H says up

    You can try it with your doctor. My own doctor had no problem with it. He has made a scribble, the stamp of the practice and his BIG number. Was accepted by the embassy.
    Medimare can also fill in that form, but they are located in Amsterdam and The Hague.
    Do not forget to have the form certified by the Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs in The Hague

  3. Mart says up

    You can print out the medical statement from the internet (medical certificate, Thai Embassy). Your GP has to fill it in with his BIG registration number etc. Then 1) the CIBG in The Hague has to legalize it (stamp and signature), THEN the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague has to legalize it, THEN the Thai Embassy, ​​Den Haag has to Hague to approve. Costs €10 to €15 each time. Many trips to The Hague. Good luck.

    • PEER says up

      Doctor should not do this!,
      But you can contact an independent medical examiner.
      Just google it, because there are plenty.
      Costs approx € 70,=

  4. Jacques says up

    I would first start with your general practitioner, otherwise he or she will know where you can go for the examination and examination and the provision of the medical certificate. The Thai embassy also knows how to help you, because it checks and copies these types of documents before giving permission to travel to Thailand.

  5. Strong says up

    You can download the form from the visa application website. In the Netherlands, you have these signed by your GP. For the STV, that signed form had to be legalized by the Ministry of Health VWS (free of charge) and then by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (10 euros).

  6. Sjoerd says up Also for PCR test

    Stephenson Street 10
    2561 XV The Hague

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    070 369 71 89

    • Cornelis says up

      Medimare can indeed issue a fit to fly certificate, but that is not the point in this case. The medical certificate for certain visas covers quite a bit more than that.

  7. Jannus says up

    Dear Raymaond, you do not need to undergo a medical examination. Having a statement like this is part of Thailand's bureaucracy. Go to your doctor with a printed statement, explain to him/her the purpose of that form, and follow the legalization procedure as indicated several times above. You will be confronted with these kinds of requirements more often in Thailand. Usually it is the case that a Thai doctor in some clinic puts a signature with a stamp at the counter for a fee of 200/300 baht.

    • PEER says up

      I have asked my doctor to draw up the health report.
      The Ned GPs don't do this.
      You think Raymond is in Thailand, don't you?

      • Strong says up

        My GP in the Netherlands did sign. Later in the CIBG (minus VWS) it also became clear to me that more people came with such a form for legalization. Same later at BuZa.

      • Lung addie says up

        ID Pear,
        a right-minded doctor will never sign this without having done a thorough investigation first. Imagine that he signs without an examination and afterwards it turns out that that person was subject to one of the diseases ... I would not want to be in his place.

        • HansW says up

          One doctor apparently looks at this differently than the other. My doctor had no problem with it. Could be because he's known me for 30 years.

  8. robert says up

    I arrived in Bangkok Thursday 4/3! A whole experience. Almost refused in Frankfurt because my covid test was not in english. Still allowed to leave with lots of bells and whistles. Once in Bangkok, huge control but very well organized, with the necessary discipline, maybe 150 nurses, doctors, police and customs who make sure everything runs smoothly. Fever was measured twice at the airport itself. After passing final customs, you will be expected again by medical staff, who will escort you to the taxi from your hotel! Get in and go, don't put your mask a bit crooked or you'll get a warning from the driver!
    I have chosen Green Park in Pattaya for quarantine, Tomorrow my third day and my first Covid test. Take temperature twice a day and forward to local medical personnel. So far it's not too bad, but it's not done yet...

  9. Rob says up

    My doctor did NOT want to sign this statement with the four forbidden diseases, and that you are not a drug addict…

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