Questioner: Yan

When I go to Immigration in Jomtien for a year extension, in addition to the usual documents, they also demand a certificate from the bank with all transactions of the past 12 months.

I thought that by law the bank certificate should only cover 2 months. The officer took a document that clearly stated “2” months and marked it with a “1” so that it became “12” months.

.Is this common? The bank then charged me 400 baht instead of 200 baht (SCB).

Reaction RonnyLatYa

I have also already answered the reason for this in a question that appeared on August 17.

Thailand Visa question No. 262/22: Annual overview bank amount at renewal

The bank amount of minimum 800 Baht must be officially stated 000 months before the application. That is also the period most immigration offices will ask for proof. And that's what it says on the document that was shown to you. The fact that people want to see an annual overview may then have become a local requirement.

They now want to check whether not only the money was on time, but also whether you have met the other requirements during the past year. (3 months after allocation, 800 Baht must remain on it and then you can drop to 000 Baht).

The only way to check that correctly is to have a one-year overview of all the transactions that happened and when.

I think that you now have to pay 400 Baht will be the last of their worries.

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