Questioner: Rudie

We have a tourist TR multiple e-visa, issued on November 19, 2023. The e-visa must be used before May 16, 2024. Stay of max. 60 days. Based on this e-visa, we will now stay in Thailand from December 6, 2023 to January 31, 2024 (55 nights in total). We have a Belgian passport.

Question: Does traveling within and outside Thailand (multiple) only apply during the period of our stay of max. 60 days in Thailand.
Can we return to Thailand with the same e-visa (for example, in April 2024 or early May 2024) for a period of 60 days, or do we have to leave Thailand before May 16, 2024?

Kind regards and thanks in advance for your always expert answers,

Reaction RonnyLatYa

The validity period of a visa means the time you have to enter Thailand with that visa. With a Single entry this is done once, with a Multiple entry it is done several times in that period. The validity period of a visa does not indicate until when you can stay in Thailand. How long you can stay in Thailand will determine your period of stay and that depends on the type of visa you have. You obtain this period of residence with each new entry with that visa and your period of residence may therefore be longer than the validity period of your visa.

Regarding your situation: The Multiple Entry Tourist Visa has a validity period of 6 months. In your case, this means that the validity period runs from November 19 to May 16.

During that period you can enter Thailand as often as you want. With each entry you will receive a new stay period of 60 days. Even if, for example, you leave Thailand after 10 days and re-enter a week later, you will have a new stay period of 60 days.

This period of stay has no influence on the validity period of your visa. This will remain from November 19 to May 16, which means you can still participate April 2024 or early May 2024. Even until the last day of the validity period, it will not affect the length of stay you will obtain. 

For example, if you arrive at the beginning of May, you will be granted a stay until the beginning of July (60 days). You could then possibly extend this by 30 days until sometime in early August if you wanted to.

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