Questioner: Hank

You mentioned in a message that is a site that is not so bad. I've been at it for a week now, 74 years ago, and I'm completely stressed out about it.

I managed to create a THAI E-VISA ACCOUNT. Now when I want to register/log in, I have to enter a CAPTCHA CODE. Then I receive a message: check your inbox for a verification email, which you should check if you do not receive the email. I found out that I have to click Resend immediately. I will then receive an email Confirm your registration by clicking on the link below.

When I have done that, I receive the message in the ACCOUNT; The email verification link is not valid, then they think that I typed that link by hand (+/- 100 keystrokes) and did something wrong there, I just checked it. After trying dozens of times I even did that. Because of all that fuss, I fear that I am now too late, leaving on December 4 for 85 days. So now I am obliged to extend there for 30 days and also make a border run.

PS I have done all the steps dozens of times.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. That site works fine for me and I don't see anything wrong with it at the moment.

2. Creating an account is also no problem. Click on the link you receive in the email and then you have to log in again with your email and password and you're done.

3. You will indeed always receive CAPTCHA CODES that you have to enter. If they are not very clear, click on the circle next to it and you will get a new one. Pay attention to O and 0 and lowercase and uppercase letters

4. I just logged in again and it works fine.

5. Watch the instructional video and you might see something you're doing wrong:

6. I can't make more of it for you. Perhaps there are readers who can give you tips.


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10 responses to “Thailand Visa question No. 232/23: Creating an account and logging in to online Thaivisa”

  1. Peek says up

    I have now applied for a visa online for the 2nd time, but I must honestly admit that it is not very easy to access your document. It is a bit of an old-fashioned construction – too bad. I had expected that things they wanted to know would also be available in Dutch.

    Now that I finally have my visa, I noticed that my visa is only valid until midnight - I am leaving the next day at 01.05:XNUMX am from BKK back to the Netherlands. Not a problem in itself because when you go through customs, you are already in a kind of "No Man's Land" and according to Thai law you are already in another country - it can cause confusion but you don't have to worry. M

    If you unexpectedly end up in a Thai hospital before then and the treatment takes a long time (and your visa has expired), a medical certificate from the hospital can be a safe haven so that you do not receive a fine.

  2. rage says up

    Henk, maybe try to see if it works with another browser. Also delete your visited websites and cookies in history. Or open the incognito page and try to submit the request from there. Of course, first follow RonnyLatYa's advice to watch the instructional film. Good luck! By the way, Captcha is a horror, sometimes no problem at all, but the next time you spend I don't know how long clicking the right pictures.

  3. Keith 2 says up

    Dear Henk and Ronny,

    The problem could be the time difference. Henk is in the Netherlands, the website is in Thailand.
    The time on Henk's laptop therefore differs by 6 hours. It may very well be that a message appears stating that the verification link is not valid because the validity period falls outside a certain time interval.

    I had this problem with the Dutch tax authorities website when I wanted to log in - from Thailand - using DiGID.
    You will then receive a code that is valid for a certain period of time. I kept getting the message that I had not done any activity for 15 minutes and the code had expired, even though I entered it within 1 minute. After trying and thinking several times in vain, 'a light went on': after equating my time on my laptop with the Dutch time, everything went well.

    • PeterV says up

      Living in a different time zone is not the cause, then it would only work well in the zone in which Thailand is located.
      You probably left the time zone on your own laptop in Thailand and changed the time to NL.
      If you change the time zone you immediately take the time with you.

      It is useful to synchronize the time via NTP (Network Time Protocol).
      Here you will find an explanation of how you can do that: is fine, you can also use (or

      • Keith 2 says up

        Good morning/afternoon Peter,

        I was in Thailand with Thai time on my laptop. Logging into tax was not possible using DiGiD, as described above. After I changed the time to Dutch time, it worked.

        Another example: while in Thailand, I arranged a registered letter, sent by a family member (so from the Netherlands address) to a law firm. I received a track & trace code, entered it - being in Thailand - and saw to my surprise and dismay that the delivery time would be between 18 and 19 p.m. (then the office is of course closed). I contacted PostNL, they checked and reported that there was a delivery time between 13 and 14 p.m. on their screen.
        I then changed the time on my laptop to Dutch time, after which a delivery time between 13 and 14 pm indeed appeared. (It appears they have now corrected this bug in their software.)

        Conclusion: it cannot be ruled out that some websites do not work with the correct time. So it is possible that Henk's problem arose because of this. On the other hand: many more people should have experienced this...

        • PeterV says up

          Hello Kees,

          It's very likely the time zone.
          You are right that it cannot be ruled out, even with logistics customers I see things go wrong sporadically in new projects. This is often quickly discovered and corrected. The fact that this is not the case with the evisa site indicates another cause.

          It is currently (in NL) about 21:00 PM.
          CET currently applies here. or UTC + 1:00. So UTC is currently 20:00 (21:00 – 1:00).
          In Thailand you set your clock forward 6 hours, to 3:00 in the morning.
          If you change the clock, but not the time zone, you will see 3:00 on your PC as you would expect.
          But, in UTC it is 2:00 (3:00 - 1:00), so the time on your PC actually differs by 6 hours!
          In TH you should use the 'Indochina Time' zone, which is UTC + 7.
          20:00 UTC + 7:00 => 3:00.
          So the solution is not to adjust the time, but *only* the time zone.

  4. Ron says up

    Possible solutions:
    Turn off VPN
    Accept cookies
    Don't wait long before performing actions such as Captcha and link

  5. Jacoba says up

    I have applied for the Evisa for the 3rd time and the only thing I am still struggling with is completing the captcha, I always do it wrong the first time. If you apply via Chrome or Firefox and do NOT set the PC to Dutch translation, fill in the requested information by hand as in your card, so do not include your name, etc. If you click, the photos are not larger than 3 MB, and after reading common mistakes it should work. (the mistakes I describe here were my mistakes when I applied for our visas the first time)
    Good luck Jacqueline

    • Alphonse says up

      I had problems again with my second e-visa application. But anyway, it's solved.
      Where they should apply a more efficient approach is with regard to additional documents.
      Last year I had to send an additional three months of permanent residence for a METV six months. Via Thailandblog I have known since last year that you can also send a plane ticket to another country.
      There is no room anywhere on the first application form to add it directly.
      You lose a lot of time this way.

  6. Huib says up

    Update Google, click on the 3 dots at the top of the Google page, and then press help on the selection bar, the update will then be checked and carried out

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