Dancing elephants, painted with the national flag of the participating World Cup countries. Also Thailand is under the ban of the World Cup football.

The gambling offices are working overtime because a Thai will do anything to gamble, the football pool squared.

In this video you can see that Khao San Raod exudes a real World Cup atmosphere. The Thai Tourist Board (TAT) is doing its best to create a nice football atmosphere for tourists as well.

2 responses to “World Cup football virus also in Thailand”

  1. Eric Huizer says up

    I am going to Thailand soon. Is the World Cup easy to follow there? Eg TV's in hotels or cafes?


    • Thais are crazy about football. Especially if they can gamble on it ;-).
      Don't worry, you can follow football wherever you want. In the pubs outside the World Cup, they have English football on all the time, sometimes to the point of being annoying.

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