The book (and movie) 'Bangkok Hilton' is a true story written by Sandra Gregory and Michael Tierney. It is based on the experiences of Sandra Gregory, who was arrested in Thailand in 1987 for smuggling drugs.

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Read the raw reality of life in Thailand's most feared prisons through the eyes of three foreigners who ended up there. Sandra Gregory's “Bangkok Hilton”, Pedro Ruijzing's “Life Sentence in Thailand” and Machiel Kuijt's “Ten Years Behind Thai Bars” provide a disturbing picture of daily life in the infamous Klong Prem Central Prison and Bang Kwang Central Prison, also known as the “ Bangkok Hilton” or “Big Tiger”. Their stories, shaped in the shadows of these dreaded walls, reveal a world far beyond most people's understanding. What do they have to say about their experiences behind bars?

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Part 2 of the BBC's impressive documentary about one of the most notorious prisons in the world: the Bangkwang in Bangkok.

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Part 1 of this excellent documentary from the BBC shows life in one of the most notorious prisons in the world: the Bangkwang in Bangkok.

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The Thai judicial system, from the police to prisons, has a bad reputation. How are suspects and prisoners treated? The laws are excellent, but the implementation falters a lot.

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Anyone who has been involved with Thailand in one way or another knows that the prisons in Thailand are not the nicest places to stay. Numerous publications, newspaper articles and books have been written about it. Many websites with information about Thailand point out the risks of ending up in a Thai prison. There are hundreds of foreigners in Thai cells, that is, dozens in one room the size of a private garage. Daily …

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A few days ago, Trouw published an article about Rien Parlevliet (56). A Dutchman who was detained in Thailand for nine years and was recently released. After first having been in Bombat prison, he was then transferred to 'Bangkok Hilton' (the Bangkwang prison). According to him, Rien was wrongly detained for drug smuggling. The death sentence to which he was sentenced was immediately commuted to life imprisonment. Rien was released after nine years …

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