Dear readers,

In my humble opinion, the height of a balcony railing here is adapted to the height of the average Thai who is roughly 1.65 meters.

The average farang length can be estimated at 1.85 m, which makes it a little easier to go over the railing. Now I don't know the height of the balcony railing in the Netherlands, but it will definitely be set to the height of the average Dutch person.

A little Thai, a long farang and a hefty push and Kees is done.

Perhaps there is someone among the readers who has experience in construction?

With greeting,


10 responses to “Reader question: Is there a difference between the height of a balcony railing in Thailand compared to the Netherlands?”

  1. Song says up

    Perhaps this is the origin of the problem of the “farang falling from the balcony”?

  2. Rob V says up

    Of course there will be a difference in the minimum height of railings. The Dutch requirements have also been increased over the years (with the exception of existing buildings). An older Dutch building from 50 or 100 years ago will therefore have a lower regulation than a building of more recent date. The question is therefore what are the current minimum requirements in Thailand and in the Netherlands? They will undoubtedly differ because of, among other things, the height and other risks that are expected. The second question is, of course, whether people also comply with the requirements (?) ….

  3. Bernard Vandenberghe says up

    The same can be said about the non-slip floors in the bathrooms. In some cities in Thailand, so many farangs slip into the bathroom and break their necks. Perhaps the larger stature and therefore the greater weight is to blame for this?

  4. David hemmings says up

    Be reassured…., my solid concrete balcony railing in my Thai Condo is 112 cm high, and for my 180 cm height I will still need some “lifting” besides a push to get over it…, and that “average” farang of 185 cm is probably taken on NL size

  5. self says up

    To make the question more flexible and juicier, an average height of 1.85 m is assumed for the sake of convenience, but that is incorrect. I thought it was exaggerated and not believable. A little googling wouldn't have gone amiss. So do it yourself.
    The average NL height is much lower than assumed in the discussion: see,
    which shows that the NL man reaches a height of 1.80 m. Do you measure the gem. height of the NL woman, then you will be even significantly smaller (173,5 cm)

  6. Jerry Q8 says up

    Have requested the Dutch regulations; up to 12 meters the railing must be 1 meter high and above 12 meters 1,2 meters.
    So if you have a balcony in Thailand, take a measurement!

  7. tons of thunder says up

    It is, of course, ridiculous to let the balcony height requirement depend on the “average” height of a country's inhabitants. In any case, if you were to do that, you would have to set different requirements for hotels because that is where the “average world citizen” comes in.
    But even more important is that if you adjust it to the average height, it is therefore too low for 50% of users. So here too (as with all safety requirements) a height must be chosen such that just an “acceptable number of people” because of their height run a serious risk of falling over it. So extra careful if you are tall.

  8. Show says up

    I install glass railings in Thailand.
    Normally 95 cm high.

  9. tons of thunder says up

    The first comment of this thread connected the supposed lower height of a Thai Balcony with the phenomenon of the "farang falling from the balcony" which seems to be quite common if you believe the newspapers. It got me thinking: For the sake of simplicity I exclude willfulness and irresponsible far-reaching drunkenness of the potential faller, there is no powder against that,

    A balcony that offers enough resistance to this phenomenon must meet a number of conditions.
    It must be sufficiently strong and resistant to a substantial collision of a body against the balcony. Weight and speed, which together determine the impact, are both important.
    A sufficiently sturdy balcony still carries the risk of “tumbling over it” and a safe height has to do with the physique of the people using the balcony.
    Leaning over it more than your body's center of gravity allows, even if you leave your toes on the floor of the balcony, is asking for trouble.
    The height of a person is not sufficient to determine the correct height of a safe balcony. The weight of a person is not evenly distributed over the length, it is more about the "center of gravity" of the body, the higher that light the higher the fence must be to be safe. If you look in the mirror, it's easy to understand.
    The safe height of a fence in case the potential faller is helped (with) a hand (or knee), is actually determined in exactly the same way by the build of the body.
    The speed with which that happens doesn't really have that much to do with it, if the gravity is above the height of the fence, it will tumble quickly. Drinking alcohol beforehand will only make that easier, but the center of gravity has to be above fence height for it to happen. Thinking about it, you quickly see that Someone with a bodybuilder's figure is at a disadvantage and someone with a beer belly is at an advantage (being about the same height. The weight doesn't even matter that much.)
    Could that be the reason that I see so many older Western men with an ornamental beer belly in Thailand and then that is intuitive self-protection or have many skinny people gone over the fence?

  10. William Van Doorn says up

    At least you won't hit your head on a railing that is too low. Even more retarded than making a relationship between the average height people are supposed to be and the height of a railing is to make a door to the bathroom that is a lot lower than the door through which you enter the bedroom. The latter is usually designed for people over 2.00 meters tall and the door to the bathroom, which you also usually pass with eye control on your feet that have to cross a sometimes vicious threshold, is sometimes only designed for a medium-sized dwarf. A beam above the stairs all too often too low in height is also of the delighted.

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