24 Responses to “Struggle to save Bangkok from flooding (video)”

  1. It is a pity that Dutch TV never makes such a good report.

    • Danny says up

      Yes, exactly here in NL you see very little about the situation in Thailand

      • eltoro57 says up

        I get very different messages from family, including that it is often on TV with news.

    • Harold says up

      The corresponding correspondent of the Public Broadcasting prefers to stay in Jakarta. It's the choices you make, aren't they? 😉

      • Hans Bos (editor) says up

        Michel Maas is now in Bangkok, hopefully with his feet in the water…

        • cor verhoef says up

          Evil tongues claim that Michel Maas does not like Thai food. It is hoped for him that the KFCs in the city will not close because of all the wetness.

          • Harold says up

            Maybe he likes pizza? The Pizza Company even seems to deliver pizzas by boat. What a result!

  2. jacqueline says up

    Do say so. I'm struggling to find the right information.

    • kick says up

      http://www.tnnthailand.com/player.php then have a look here

  3. frameworks says up

    I'm glad the Netherlands doesn't make such "good" reports. What broken doors. Images from a helicopter, the PM speaks and one sails through the water and one sees shelters. Same images as Japan half a year ago. And then the headline: Battle, have not seen any aid worker or soldier at work to counter the water. That it is terrible may be clear!

  4. Charles says up

    Can someone tell me how likely it is that both airports will be closed?
    My departure is scheduled for next Saturday 29/10.

    thanks in advance

    • grada65 says up

      I'm going back that day so far it's all still going on, keep paying attention and get info from your company we fly with eva

      • Charles says up

        Thanks, we fly with the emirates. Hopefully everything goes through.

  5. frameworks says up

    Brilliant film about the flood of 1942 in Bangkok
    69 years later they still haven't learned!!!

    • Hans Bos (editor) says up

      Indeed gorgeous. Or the Thai have learned to live with it? Big difference: at the time everyone still had a boat in their backyard and Thailand was still Thailand…

      • frameworks says up

        Absolutely true Hans! If only people had moved with the times, this would not be the case now.

  6. nok says up

    When there are riots in Bkk, the journalists run between the bullets to give us the best images. Now that everything is under water you don't hear anything about it. This thing stinks.

    • eltoro57 says up

      I think the Netherlands now has something else on its mind, just like the rest of Europe.

  7. William says up

    Hi Peter and other 'blog' readers,

    And the (poor) Thai remains resigned and even puts a (smile) smile on his face every now and then.
    As far as the (Dutch) media are concerned.
    The newspapers are full and you can't turn on any news without hearing and seeing the earthquake in Turkey.
    Can they pay attention to that?

    • frameworks says up

      that IS news! We all know that Thailand is under water. So people shouldn't be reporting about this if I understand you correctly?

    • frameworks says up

      @william. My apologies for language. But I don't think your reaction is normal! See now update news RTL 7. Living people are being removed from under the rubble at freezing point degrees. Less than a thousand dead. And then you complain that this opens the news? sad, very sad. for some readers I detect a thailand syndrome

  8. johan says up

    I have e-mailed photos and information to the Dutch newspapers a number of times… the NOS is also requesting them [email protected] photos…. only they do nothing with it.

    It is a far from their bed show… Turkey is closer and there are more Turks living in the Netherlands than Thai…..

    Red cross number is open but decisiveness is needed.
    Should we join forces and start an aid campaign for immediate help?

    I am willing to cooperate..

    My email address is known to the editors.

  9. William says up

    Dear Marcos,

    I have the impression that you misjudged my response ??

    Of course I am sorry about what happened in Turkey.
    I just want to say that there is a lot of attention to it
    is spent and what is happening in Thailand
    sporadically in the news.

    And... I'm not a sad 'blog' reader with a Thailand syndrome.

    • frameworks says up

      Hello William, that's clear. By Thailand syndrome I mean the people who just squeal like little toddlers that there is nothing new to read or see about Thailand. I don't know what devices those people have, but I see Thailand flash by every day. I've actually seen it, I think it's well known now? Thailand hasn't been news to me for a long time. But this is just an opinion. What has actually changed in Thailand? It's the same every day... But I'm still happy when I arrive back in my beloved country tomorrow!

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