Here's a story about which agencies in NL deal with our vaccination data and the citizen sometimes cannot be helped, because no agency feels responsible for the entire chain.

As you know, you can have a Thai vaccination certificate at the GGD in NL [locations Rotterdam, Utrecht and Groningen] converted to a QR code in the corona check app. So I did this. And I received a NL and an EU QR code within fifteen minutes, as well as a printed vaccination certificate.

When I applied for the Thailand pass, I only realized that my NL proof only has 1 vaccination date [of the last shot] instead of 2. While someone who has been vaccinated in NL has a proof with 2 vaccination dates. It is also not possible for me to print the NL proof via The system [of and that of] says that my vaccination data is not known to them.

So I got started. First called the GGD Rotterdam. They say there is nothing they can do and that I have to call Called there: “GGD Rotterdam has forgotten to forward my vaccination data to They can then call the GGD back office [0800-5090] for technical assistance”. Made an appointment with GGD Rotterdam for the 2nd time. They say they have done everything – “all check marks are green, including sharing my data [with RIVM]. The situation with 1 last vaccination date on the QR code is normal.”

Called the RIVM just to be sure. They can do nothing. They refer me to the GGD head office. There they give me the number of the GGD back office. The GGD back office says – “we cannot do anything about the vaccination data that has been converted. You must return to GGD Rotterdam, which has done the conversion. We therefore do not know whether your situation with 1 vaccination date is normal”.

For now I have no problem. I have received a Thailand pass based on the Thai vaccination certificate with 2 vaccination dates. My EU QR code has not been checked outside the Netherlands before. My paper proof that I received from GGD Rotterdam is valid for 1 year. Let's see how this world of QR codes develops.

Anyone who has 2 vaccination dates on the converted QR code, received both vaccinations abroad?

Submitted by Eddie

5 responses to “From pillar to post for converting Thai vaccination certificates in NL (readers' entry)”

  1. john koh chang says up

    Eddy, I live in Thailand but have had two vaccinations in the Netherlands. I received the Dutch and an international/European vaccination certificate. There is indeed only one date on it: the date of the last vaccination. It does say before or after the date of the last vaccination: 2/2. I now understand that it sometimes says: 2nd vaccination of 2.
    So I suspect that this is just the case with all Dutch vaccination certificates.
    If that is the case, I don't think any of the authorities can do anything about it.
    I was also surprised about this but can't do much about it from Thailand. I will first see if what I think, namely that all Dutch vaccination certificates only mention a date, is correct.
    Fly tomorrow, DV! to the Netherlands. Then get to work and share my findings on this blog.

    • TheoB says up

      john koh chang,

      If you have a DigiD, you could initially go via download one pdf with one Dutch and one international QR code.
      Nowadays you can download a PDF with the Dutch and a PDF with the first and second QR code via that web page (and your DigiD).
      The CoronaCheck app now also shows 2 international QR codes.

  2. Archie says up

    I live in Norway, but the same applies to the entire EU vaccination pass, you only receive the last date of the vaccination, I now have vaccination no. 3 date 18 11 and this date is in the pass. There is a number of 3 of 3

  3. Hans van Mourik says up

    Thank you Eddie for this information.
    Didn't know any better, that it is only at the GGD in Utrecht where you can register.
    But since October 18, 2021 also in Groningen.
    Went to look at that link.
    Then really dread going to Utrecht.
    Hans van Mourik

  4. Henriette says up

    Eddy's story is not strange or exceptional for foreign vaccinees and, in my opinion, not a sign of mismanagement.

    I arrived in the Netherlands at the end of November and immediately went to the GGD region of Utrecht the next day. My Thai vaccination certificate (2x Astrazeneca) was in order and accepted. The GGD was fascinated that I had three different pieces of evidence: The Thai hospital statement, the yellow Thai/international vaccination booklet and the Mor Prom App. They photographed everything so that they could keep in their file whatever evidence people coming from Thailand could have.
    After the transfer, I immediately had 2 QR codes in the NL “CoronaCheck” App. The app provides a Dutch and International (European) QR code. Furthermore, there is only “Dose 2/2” and vaccination date (NOT which vaccine or where it was given), so the same as Eddy. I also received these QR codes as a print-out.

    I have used both the Dutch and European QR codes extensively so far (the latter in Switzerland). Works flawlessly.

    Two days ago I had to upload proof of vaccination for a European flight. It turns out that you cannot take a screenshot of the QR code on the phone (it is protected), and if you go to the Dutch Coronacheck website ( it turns out that they indeed have NO information about your vaccination (while you would expect that it should contain the same information as in the App). So the same as Eddy again. It seems to be the standard for foreign vaccinees.

    Before my European flight, I took a photo of the paper QR code with my phone and the upload was accepted without any problems.

    I hope this clears up some anxiety!

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