Chang–Heineken: 1-2

By Joseph Boy
Posted in Economy
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4 August 2012

Heineken eventually won the game against Chang in Singapore.

After Chang had embarrassed the defensive Heineken with a formidable passing movement with a more than beautiful and completely unexpected goal, the Heineken boys had to show their best side.

Fraser & Neave owns a 50 percent interest in Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) and has been a partner of Heineken for many years as a brewer of Tiger beer, among other things. Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi and his group Thai Beverage (known for Chang beer, among other things) recently acquired 8 ½ percent of APB. A dangerous development for Heineken, which does not own a majority interest in ABP. Charoen scored and thus maneuvered Heineken into a nasty position in the lucrative Asian market.

Heineken hit back and offered Fraser & Neave 50 Singapore dollars per APB share, or 3,3 billion euros. F & N has agreed to this offer, Heineken reported on August 3.

As a result of this transaction, Heineken will own 81.6 percent of ABP shares and will subsequently make an offer for the remainder of the shares of this Asian brewer.

Mr. Charoen then gets the chance to sell his newly acquired property to Heineken. Whether he will be much wiser financially is doubtful. But hey, he'll be the second richest man in the world Thailand don't lose sleep over it. Although you never know with these people.

Beer must be a very profitable product, because the Belgian-Brazilian beer brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev, known for its Stella Artois and Budweiser brands, is also making a name for itself. Inbev already owned half of the shares in the Mexican brewer Grupo and is now taking over the remaining part for around 16 billion euros.

One of Grupo's success brands includes the Corona beer. Perhaps, given the amount spent, they will now charge for the piece of lemon that many add to the Corona beer. The glasses have already been cut back, because according to good practice you simply drink Corona from the bottle.

About this blogger

Joseph Boy

6 responses to “Chang – Heineken: 1-2”

  1. Mia says up

    It is a pity that so few Dutch people do not know the most beautiful and tastiest beer brewed in our own country. Brewed in the small South Limburg small town of Thull. The brewery owns its own natural water resources to produce a wonderfully clear and exquisite beer. The name? Alfa beer. And to avoid all prejudices I neither come nor live in Limburg.

    • Siamese says up

      Now I want to taste it when I'm back in Europe soon, Dutch Limburg is not that far away from Brussels. Thanks for the tip.

    • gerryQ8 says up

      Mia, I live in Isaan and of course that beer is not for sale here, but you can bring 1 tray every week. Might help with sales. But when I'm back in NL I'll look for it, although I've never seen it in a store, let alone in a large supermarket. Do I really have to drive to Limburg for it?

  2. M. Mali says up

    Yes, you don't drink Heineken so easily under the table !!!
    So you see that the Netherlands is small, yet big in things!!

  3. Mia says up

    Alfa is simply for sale at Ah. A crate with 24 bottles costs 12,65. Google for beer types AH. You can also look at the site:

  4. Harold Rolloos says up

    Update: it is still far from certain that Heineken will take over APB.

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