Notification: RonnyLatYa
Subject: Immigration – General

Recently you see that in some immigration offices, in addition to proof of income, actual deposits from abroad must also be shown. The explanation from the immigration offices demanding this is that this is now in the new immigration regulations that came into effect on October 31, 19.

By proof of income, I here mean a visa support letter, Affidavit of income or income statement from the Austrian consul.

I get questions about it several times, I also see a lot of doubts, disbelief, uncertainty and even panic about it. Not because that requirement is made, but because it is introduced so suddenly from one day to the next. And that is quite understandable.

So is it true what those immigration offices claim, or is it not something that is requested locally as "extra" and they do it under the well-known excuse "that any immigration office may request additional supporting documents if they deem it necessary"?

I took a closer look at and compared the current and past official immigration regulations.

1. To start at the beginning.
The basic conditions and the supporting documents to be provided to obtain an extension of a period of residence (not only for “Retirement”) are laid down in two basic documents:
a. Order of immigration bureau No.327/2557 (2014) Subject: Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom of Thailand
b. Order of Immigration Bureau No. 138/2557 (2014) Subject: Supporting documents for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom of Thailand

2. These basic documents have recently been amended specifically with regard to point 2.22 “In the case of retirement”. You can find those documents with the new regulations via this link

3. Base Document 1.a. was modified by following document
a. Criteria for Consideration of Granting an Alien's Extension of Stay in the Kingdom Attachment to the Order of the Royal Thai Police no. 548 /2562 dated September 27, 2019

In this document you will find, among other things, the options you have to meet the financial requirements and, among other things, that health insurance is now required in case the period of stay was obtained through a Non-immigrant OA visa.
All interesting info, but apart from saying that “Must have an evidence of having monthly income of no less than 65,000 baht or…” we are not getting any wiser from what that evidence must consist of.

4. Basic document 1. B. was modified by following document.
a. Criteria for Supporting Documents for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom
Attachment to the Order of the Immigration Bureau no. 300/2562 dated September 27, 2019
This describes the supported documents that must be supplied. So it says, among other things
“3. Evidence of income such as a retirement pension or interest or dividend and/or
4. Fund deposit certificate issued by a commercial bank located in Thailand and a copy of bank account.”
Point 3 says that proof of income must be provided from, among other things, an old age pension, interest or dividends AND/OR
Point 4 Proof of deposits must be provided to a bank account in Thailand.
This is probably the reason why certain immigration offices require and proof of income and proof of deposit. It is important here how one interprets this “AND/OR”.

5. The answer to the question may therefore be found in document 4.a. and the question now is how your immigration office is going to interpret that AND/OR”.
a. If it is read as “AND”, you will have to prove proof of income AND deposits.
b. If one assumes the “OR” then it is either proof of income “OR” deposits.

6. In the basic document 1B of 2014, under 2.22 “In the case of retirement” the following text is stated.
“3. Evidence of income such as a retirement pension, interest or dividends; and/or
4. Funds deposit certificate issued by a bank in Thailand and a copy of a bankbook”
Actually, outside that bankbook has changed to bank account, same text. So the “AND/OR” has always been there. There is nothing new in that regard.

7. Summary
– If an immigration office requires proof of income AND monthly deposits, is this in accordance with applicable immigration rules?
Yes. If the Immigration Office reads the line as “AND” it is in accordance with the applicable Immigration Rules.

– If an immigration office accepts proof of income OR monthly deposits, is this in accordance with applicable immigration rules?
Yes. If the Immigration Office reads the line as “OR”(OR), it is in accordance with current immigration rules.

– Is it correct that immigration offices claim that proof of income AND monthly deposits is a new requirement under current immigration rules?
Based on the old and new documents listed here, this is not a new measure. The “AND/OR” choice that the immigration office can make was always in the official immigration rules.

I cannot, of course, rule out the possibility that there is a document, which may not be public, that provides additional guidance on this. However, I suspect not, as there are immigration offices that have still made the “OR” (OR) choice. Others have switched from “OR” (OR) to “AND” (AND) and that seems more like a local choice that has been made.

Personally, I have no problem with certain requirements. Thailand has the right to impose immigration requirements.
What always annoys me is that people start introducing something from one day to the next and people are presented with a fait accompli. The least that can be done, if such drastic measures are taken, is to give the applicant time to comply with the next application.

Note: “Reactions are very welcome on the subject, but limit yourself here to the subject of this “TB Immigration Infobrief. If you have other questions, if you would like to see a topic covered, or if you have information for the readers, you can always send it to the editors.
Use only for this Thank you for your understanding and cooperation”



9 Responses to “TB Immigration Info Brief 123/19 – Immigration – Proof of Income and/or Monthly Deposits”

  1. Rob says up

    I assume this message is only for people who live here permanently and not for the short vacation of 1,2,3 months.
    Otherwise, even more Europeans will stay away.

    • RonnyLatya says up

      Don't worry.

  2. Jack S says up

    I totally agree. Changes happen suddenly, without one being able to prepare. I think any such change needs at least a year, so that those who need to adapt have time to do so.
    Coincidentally, since last month I have had my income directly transferred to my Thai account. Not for the above reason, but because I was tired of having to arrange everything through my bank in Germany. Papers that had to be sent arrived very late or not at all, my bank card no longer worked and previously had to be reactivated every year. Now that I have the money sent immediately, that detour is no longer necessary and I will then coincidentally be able to meet the requirements with the new extension.

  3. Bob, yumtien says up

    As I published this week, nothing was said about it in jomtien. In other words, no changes compared to last year.

  4. Dieter says up

    Dear Ronny, thank you again for your extensive information/documentation of the Thai Immigration regulations. Indeed, rightly what you say that it is very annoying and inconvenient that the Thai authorities do not give time to anticipate well in advance.
    Wat ik niet lees in jouw uitleg is antwoord om een volgende vraag: zelf gaan mijn Thaise vrouw ik een aantal maanden per jaar naar Thailand op basis van een visum multiple O jaarverlenging. Ik heb een rekening bij SCB met meer dan Baht 800K. Deze staan er altijd 2 maanden voor de verblijfsverlenging en altijd 3 maanden na die verlengingsdatum. Maar wat nu als ik tussentijds dat geld ga gebruiken om boodschappen te doen en een reisje naar een buurland? Er is namelijk geblogd dat naast die 800K rekening separaat een rekening getoond zou moeten worden waarmee het gangbare levensonderhoud bewezen kan worden? Maar de 800K rekening mag toch nog steeds na die 5 maanden tot 400K dalen? Alvast dank.

    • RonnyLatYa says up

      Dear Dieter,

      That you have to show another bill, which you then live on, is not an official requirement.

      Zo een bijkomende rekening kan al eens gevraagd worden wanneer er een fixed account gebruikt wordt en immigratie graag wil zien van wat je dan leeft. Maar nergens is dat een verplichting. Dat is dan een lokale eis en er staan ook geen minimum bedrag op. Dat valt dan onder “mogen bijkomende bewijsstukken vragen indien ze dat noodzakelijk vinden”.
      Wat mij betreft een zinloze eis en overbemoeienis van immigratie. Waarom zou iemand niet van cash geld kunnen leven dat hij in zijn brandkast houdt ?.

      Wat die 800 000 Baht betreft. Zolang het er 2 maand voor de aanvraag op staat en het er 3 maand na het toestaan nog op staat, is het goed. De resterende tijd mag je zakken tot 400 000 Baht.
      So you can use the remaining 400 Baht for the remaining time.
      Just make sure you never drop below 400 Baht.

  5. ruud says up

    Could that "fund deposit" not mean the amount in your Thai bank account?
    For example, the 800.000 Baht for your renewal?
    That would also be more correct linguistically, because deposit is singular and monthly deposits are plural (even twelve times)

    That would make the text more logical.

    1 Proof of income (OR)
    2 Proof of income of less than 65.000 Baht, supplemented by an amount in a Thai bank account. (EN) (the fund deposit)
    3 Only an amount in a Thai bank account. (OR) (the fund deposit)

    That would mean that depositing money into a Thai account is not mandatory, unless immigration considers the entry of the money into a Thai account part of the evidence, of course.

    • RonnyLatYa says up

      Ja en dan kom je nog steeds op de AND/OR en de keuze die ze zelf maken hoe ze dat interpreteren. Net zoal u nu doet.

  6. Casper says up

    So slowly you go mad that they change or change the condition every day.
    I understand that many also leave because of the strong baht.
    Each Immigration has its own requirements and wishes.

    It's a shame this has to go like this.

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