Heavy rain in Pattaya 2019 (video)

By Lodewijk Lagemaat
Posted in Pattaya, Cities
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25 September 2019

Rain in Pattaya

Many images of flooding in Thailand have recently appeared in the media, Facebook and YouTube. It also rained heavily in Pattaya. A video made by World Travel appeared on YouTube about this.

This starts shortly on the Pattaya Beach and then turns left into Soi 13/2. The images speak for themselves. Arriving at the Second Road, which is not affected by water, it goes back towards the coast.

It is fair to say that some parts of Pattaya have suffered a lot from water and many other parts hardly. For the “news” people always show the places that have been hit the hardest.

But if we are to believe the executives of Pattaya, the biggest water problems in the coming spring 2020 should be a thing of the past! A number of places in Pattaya are working hard to solve this. Whose deed!




About this blogger

Louis Lagemaat

2 thoughts on “Heavy Rain in Pattaya 2019 (Video)”

  1. Hans says up

    Noted. Unfortunately, things will not go that fast again, just like after the floods in Bangkok in 2011.
    That was once and never again, the problem would be addressed and resolved. The outcome is known and in Pattaya it will be no different as long as there are those Pipos who spend hundreds of millions of THB on beautifying the beach without first making a plan.

    Pattaya is the epitome of administrative disorder, and that really has nothing to do with the military government. That works under any conceivable government.

  2. Rob says up

    Just got back from jomtien and only had a day and a half of rain in the whole month and that for the rain ☔ season. So you see it can be very local. While it was white in Pattaya and in many parts of Thailand .

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