Honey, a popular product

By Lodewijk Lagemaat
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27 September 2019
Wild bee honeycomb on a banana tree in Thailand

Wild bee honeycomb on a banana tree in Thailand

Honey as a natural sweetener is as old as mankind. Well known is the “love story” in the bible of Samson and Delilah. Samson falls in love with a Philistine woman Delilah. He gives a riddle about honey at his wedding to the Philistine guests. (Enemies of the people of Israel) If they can solve it, Samson will have to pay them. Delilah wrests from him the solution to all the problems afterwards. A wonderful history, which was interpreted by Tom Jones in 1968 in a top hit Delilah.

In the past, Thai honey collectors went out into nature. They were allowed to carry a weapon, often a machete, to protect themselves against game. With a long stick with smoking leaves at the end, the bees were stunned, so that the collectors could cut many honeycombs and put them in a basket. The lower the moisture content in the honey, the longer it can be stored. In addition, the honey is thicker.

The honey can be different in taste. Depending on the flowers and florals where the bee gets its nutrients from. But the type of bee also determines the taste of the honey. There are thousands of bee species worldwide, of which only a handful of bees are of commercial interest to honey collectors.

To find a bee nest, the collectors catch a few bees and feed them with a sugar solution or honey. Then the bees are released. As soon as the bees return, humans try to determine the direction of flight. Slowly but surely the location of the bee nests is located. Often at a higher altitude near rock walls, temple roofs and mango trees.

Honey collectors can be found all over Thailand. Well-known is the Khao Yai nature park, the largest nature park in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima and in the high plains of northern Thailand.

A lot of honey also comes from China. However, with honey, the phenomenon of “money laundering” is also known. Batches of cheap honey from China are marketed via other countries with a different label and customs documents. In addition, China has been blacklisted for a number of years because chloramphenicol was used and is carcinogenic. Both the EU and the US closely monitor imports for this.

Another problem that does occur is that maltose is added to the honey. Sugar from rice or corn. Some street vendors from Thailand are guilty of this.

Honey prices are still rising. Due to Chinese imports, lower honey prices can be found, but if you opt for quality, that has its price. People often opt for light-colored honey.

What people don't immediately think of when thinking about honey is that people from Thailand are not allowed to take more than two kilos of honey to Europe free of import duties.

Source: der Farang

6 Responses to “Honey, a popular product”

  1. John Chiang Rai says up

    In the hope that I may use your Thai blog for this short commercial announcement, I would like to offer the following: For honey lovers who live near Chiang Rai, I have a very good honey for sale.
    The honey is for sale in Liter bottles for 15 Baht and is of course very favorable given this price.
    The only condition for the buyer is that he/she must declare that he/she is prepared to register on a so-called waiting list.
    WHY this waiting list??

    The reason for this waiting list is because I recently became self-employed, actually do not have a Workpermit for Thailand, and want to protect myself from major investments and the rapid discovery of my company by the Thai Immigration, so that I first bought a honey bee.
    If you live near Chiang Rai, I would politely ask you not to use insect repellent, so that the life of my bee and the honey production of my new company is not endangered.
    Thanks to the editors for posting this commercial announcement.

    • Herman says up

      John, can I also start a franchise with one Bee in Hua-Hin? 🙂

      • John Chiang Rai says up

        Dear Herman, Exactly what I expected, you have hardly developed a good concept after years of preparation, the first freeloaders are already lurking.
        Maybe we can talk about it for a good provision555

  2. Unclewin says up

    In Europe, a jar of honey of 500 gr. around 7 €. That is about 300 Bht.

    • John Chiang Rai says up

      Nonkelwin, In Europe you also have this honey directly at your disposal.
      In my company I was careful and in the beginning I want to invest as little as possible, I currently only have 1 honey bee working for me.
      That is why everyone first has to go on a waiting list.555

  3. Johnny B.G says up

    We have honey for 900 baht per 350 grams.

    As long as the Arab countries do buy it, I wonder whether rarity and quality are appreciated in the Low Countries.

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