How fresh is fresh fish?

By Lodewijk Lagemaat
Posted in Background
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March 23 2017

The Thai food inspection service regularly checks food. Recently, during a routine check, they made a shocking discovery at some fresh fish market traders in Pattaya.

The fresh fish turned out not to be as fresh as it looked. The fish was processed with formalin, which is also used to preserve corpses. It is a disinfectant that is toxic to humans and animals. The fish would look good for sale for longer this way. It is clear that this fish was immediately withdrawn from the market. Although this is an isolated case, the food inspection service recommends that you check whether there is a sharper odor around the fish; a feature of formalin.

Officials also noted that fish and related seafood were 15 to 20 percent more expensive than in nearby towns such as Sattahip and Sriracha. Not a pleasant idea if people think they eat healthy and then be confronted with this fraud. After the "mercury period" there is a chance that this fish will be presented on the plate.

The fact that checks will now be much stricter and more frequent is to some extent reassuring, but people themselves must also be more alert to what is going to be bought.

18 responses to “How fresh is fresh fish?”

  1. joy says up

    I wonder what the eyes look like and behind the gills, does formalin affect that too?
    After all, fresh fish has clear eyes and a pink-red color behind the gills and, of course, a characteristic fishy odour, which must not smell.
    Are there any forum members with a fishing background who know more?

    Regards Joy

    • says up

      yes I know that and when I buy fish check that I have been a fisherman for 50 years and can certainly see this

  2. Lung Jan says up

    Unfortunately, this does not only happen in Pattaya ... in Rayong province, this was also observed last year.

  3. Ron says up

    This article claims to be a single case.
    The truth is that food tampering is rampant in Thailand.
    Formalin is not only used on fish, but also on meat and fruit, not to mention pesticides.
    Pigs, chickens and fish are given massive amounts of antibiotics and far too high heavy metal values ​​have been found in pasta.
    There are far too few checks and sanctions are negligible.
    This has been discussed before on this forum!
    Tasty !

    • l.low size says up

      This post was about a few fishmongers at a market in Pattaya.

      It is unfortunately true that it occurs on a much larger scale in Thailand.
      Recently, a number of Chinese traders were no longer allowed to sell manipulated fruit in Thailand. They went far beyond the "margin" limit!

    • says up

      I have also said on other forums that food control in Thailand is below zero in Belgium I have often been out with food inspection several night shops and chip shops were closed here a joke you see vegetables in a stall sparkling clean well this is impossible

  4. Renevan says up

    On Koh Samui, one of the expensive restaurants in Fishermen's village (French owners) was caught spraying Baygon on the beautifully displayed fish. This was to ensure that no flies settled on them and to keep them nice and shiny. I use Baygon to spray cockroaches to death. The fish was confiscated but the restaurant remained open.

  5. Michel says up

    Formalin has a slightly sweet chemical smell, which unfortunately hardly rises above the fishy smell. Quite difficult to recognize if you don't know it and especially not to recognize if the fish has already been fried for you.
    So it's good to check that.
    You really don't want to ingest that stuff.
    Therefore, always pay attention to the eyes and gills with 'fresh' fish. These should be clear and shiny.

  6. Harrybr says up

    What a beautiful medium, Google with

  7. MrMikie says up

    For me only a nice red-snapper that I can choose from live at t aquarium so to speak. Then on the bbq, mmm wonderfully fresh, and you can really taste that compared to the fish that has been on the ice for (days)

  8. T says up

    Fish in the base is of course healthy, but not only in Thailand, the fish that ends up on your plate is often bad. Often that so-called healthy fish ends up swimming in heavily polluted seawater. That fish will only have swam for a while around the waters of Japan where all that water from that nuclear power plant flows into the sea, or through waters where nuclear tests have been done. Not to mention all those farmed fish from the Mekhong often grown in highly polluted water, and they don't call those fish the shit mouth for nothing because it is daily …. eat.

    • says up

      not only Japan I have seen breeding stations in Norway of salmon wt that were fed were not grains, my two brothers-in-law are fish breeders they do not have to give me fish as a gift when I see what they throw into the ponds they scour the restaurants every day to throw rubbish in the ponds and sometimes that stinks more than a pile of rubbish

  9. brabant man says up

    So every day an attempt is made on your life by what the farangs always praise 'the delicious Thai food'. Read the articles on this website.
    Formalin, hormones/anti-biotics tilapia fish, MSG in soups and curries, you name it.
    Undoubtedly there will be reactions of 'in my village and city everything is pure and clean'.
    I (retired doctor) only buy/eat import frozen fruit and vegetables at Big C from Casino in France. Then you at least know that this has been produced under stricter European legislation.
    Can recommend it to all. You pay a little more, but you really live years longer.

    • Kampen butcher shop says up

      Perhaps you are right. But to more or less conclude that Thai food (in Thailand) is a form of culinary suicide? Could be. Then I eat better in the Netherlands. (Another thing that is just better in the Netherlands) Not frozen but fresh vegetables. Beautiful? Hopefully! Much is imported. But in any case, people check better than in Thailand.

    • Jer says up

      Good tip about importing fruit and vegetables at Big C. I prefer to buy organic vegetables in Tops, Freshmarkt, Foodland, for example. As far as fruit is concerned, I limit myself to long immersion in water to remove formalin and yes, I don't eat as much fruit anymore as I did in the Netherlands, given the risks. For a longer and healthy life, I read a study that mainly determines the intake of vegetables and not that of fruit.

      And if formalin is concerned, I have known these practices for more than 25 years since I came to Thailand, after warning from a Thai friend at the time. Many fish caught in small boats are kept in barrels full of formalin because they have no refrigeration and sometimes spend several days at sea, she said.
      And you can also judge the fruit yourself. As soon as it looks shiny you know it has been sprayed. And if you visit somewhere regularly, you can see the fruit displayed endlessly without loss of color and properties. Then you can also assume that there is something wrong with it.

      • brabant man says up

        Not so long ago there was a big article in the Bangkok Post. Perhaps not read.
        A large study by Thai authorities showed that so-called organic vegetables contain 2-5 times more chemical pollutants and toxic pesticides than 'normal' cultivated vegetables. And the latter are already full of such substances, which really cannot be washed out.
        A warned person counts for two, doesn't it...

    • says up

      I buy from the market, but only meat from refrigeration and the vegetables that I buy are washed very well. Don't buy anything from those stalls along the road where hundreds of cars drive by with the necessary dust and then there is the hygiene. Wash dishes all day in the same water No, not for me, I make my own food and wash it properly

      • brabant man says up

        How long did it take for the meat to reach the market in the refrigerator?
        It is known, see articles in Bangkok Post, among others, that you really cannot clean contaminated vegetables with washing.
        By the way, also at 7/11, late at night, after supplies, I see the crates with goods for cooling on the shop floor for hours before they are placed.
        A Thai doesn't take it so closely, they don't get sick that quickly.

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