Ralyn Satidtanasarn aka Lilly, age XNUMX, has been waging war against plastic waste since she was eight years old.

She came to these actions after a holiday in southern Thailand where she saw how the beaches were polluted. She demonstrates in front of government buildings and convinced the supermarket chain Central to stop issuing plastic bags from the beginning of next year.

She often skips classes to clean up waste on land and canals with other children, organized by the local Trash Hero organization, which is also very active in Thailand and the wider world. She thinks that the major petrochemical companies are mainly responsible for the plastic waste problem.

She hopes that her action will encourage the government to take more measures.

It reminds me of the Order of the Teaspoon of which I am a Knight. A drop on a glowing plate doesn't do much, but if everyone contributes a teaspoon, something might change for the better. Don't underestimate the actions of individuals! I was very struck by the many activities in Thailand.

Read the full story here: https://bit.ly/2lXfvxy



Short video (2 min.) with moving images

Longer video (7 min.) with more explanation


2 thoughts on “Lilly, Thailand's Greta Thunberg and the fight against plastic pollution”

  1. Bo says up

    The day you no longer get 7 bags at 11/12 (one for each item; the straws sometimes even get a separate bag) there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Bring your own cloth bags and clearly say 'mai ao thung' is the only thing you can do yourself. Good initiative from this girl; a good example for others.

    • Rob V says up

      My experience at the beginning of this year in BKK was that - if you only have a few items - people often already ask for this. And whether they asked or not, my response was: 'ไม่เอา(ถุง)' , mâi ao( thǒeng)'. Falling tone, middle tone (rising tone).

      This Thai lesson fits in nicely with that:

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