A black-necked monarch male (Hypothymis azurea)

The black-necked monarch (Hypothymis azurea) is also known black-necked blue flycatcher called, is a passerine bird in the family Monarchidae (monarchs and fan-tailed flycatchers). The animal has a striking bright blue color and a kind of black crest that looks like a crown.

This species has 23 subspecies, but the most common in Thailand are the H. a. montana (northern and central Thailand) and the H. a. galerita (southwestern and southeastern Thailand).

The black-necked monarch is a slender and agile passerine bird. An adult male is about 16 cm long, has a prominent black spot on the back of the head and a narrow black semicollar. The female is duller, has olive brown wings but lacks the black markings on the head.

The black-necked monarch breeds in tropical South Asia from India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia and the Philippines. The species is usually found in dense forests and other well-wooded habitats.

The song and call is a sharp and abrupt skrip. During the breeding season, two to three eggs are laid in a cup nest placed in the fork of a tree. The nest is decorated with spider egg cases.

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