Questioner: Tony

Question/comment to Ronny nav announcement Thailandblog dated 15.09.2020 (non – OA multiple re-entry). I myself have a Non Immigrant O visa (multiple re-entry permit). Immigration Jomtien told me two possibilities:

  1. If in NL, if the expiration date is exceeded, contact the Thai embassy in NL and ask what is best, possibly apply for Non-Immigrant O (residence based on retirement) in NL again.
  2. Just come to Thailand, you will immediately receive a 30-day tourist visa upon arrival in Thailand, then you can convert it at Immigration – Jomtien to a Non-Immigrant O visa, as previously possessed.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

A “Non Immigrant O visa – multiple re-entry permit” does not exist. You have obtained a period of residence with a Non-immigrant O visa. It doesn't matter whether that was a Single or a Multiple entry visa.

You have extended that residence period (once or more times) (1900 Baht) by one year and you have currently also purchased a Multiple re-entry (3800 Baht).

Jomtien actually gives no other answer than what I have answered so many times to such questions. So once again, although I have a feeling it won't be the last.

If you are not in Thailand on the end date of your stay, it will expire and you will have to start again with a Non-immigrant to be able to get another year extension afterwards. A re-enrty makes no difference here because it also expires on that date. You then have to start everything from scratch.

If you opt for a Non-immigrant OA visa, this can only be applied for through the embassy in the Netherlands.

If you opt for a Non-immigrant O, you can apply for this via the embassy/consulate before you leave, or you can also leave without a visa.

In the latter case, you will receive a 30-day stay on the basis of “Visa Exemption” upon entry. (That is not a tourist visa.) You can then apply to immigration to convert your tourist status to a Non-immigrant status. Costs 2000 Baht. You have to do that because otherwise you will never be able to get a year extension afterwards. The conditions are about the same as for a year extension. Only one can ask here that when you use a bank amount you must also show proof that this money comes from abroad, but it does not have to be on the Thai account for a minimum time. With an annual extension, this will not be asked, but there is a minimum time that the amount must be in the bank. Also make sure that you have at least one week left to stay when applying for conversion, because it will take a few days before that is allowed. Subsequently and if permitted, you will first obtain a residence period of 90 days. Just as you would have entered with a Non-immigrant O. You can then extend those 90 days by a year in the usual way.

However, keep in mind that this conversion can also be refused. You will then have a maximum of 7 days to leave the country.

My advice is to purchase a Non-immigrant O visa before departure. You already have that. You will immediately receive your 90 days upon arrival, which you can then extend in the usual way. That is also the working method as it should be when you have the intention to stay in Thailand for longer than 30 days upon arrival. This is despite the fact that there is also another way to obtain that Non-immigrant status.

The point is that you have to start all over again with a Non-immigrant once your period of residence has expired. As I have often answered the umpteenth question about what to do when you are outside Thailand and the period of residence ends. How you obtain that Non-immigrant does not matter for your extension afterwards (immediately upon entry via visa or conversion from a tourist status).



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