Questioner: Ernst

Justis has refused my “Verklaring Omtrend Behaviour” (VOG) (intention to reject). You can submit a “opinion” once more within 2 weeks after the date of the rejection.

Now, after consulting, and my lawyer at the time who handled my criminal case 12 years ago, I intend to submit this opinion. Criminal lawyers only give superficial advice. I cannot apply for Prodeo according to Justis.

Have you, dear Thailandblog readers, seen people with the same problem? I've searched the search bar, but to no avail.

Or do you have some advice for me?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

A VOG is normally only requested if you are going to apply for a Non-immigrant OA visa. Still, if we limit it here to “Retirement”.

– Or you have to arrange this with the judiciary if you really want that visa.

– Either you apply for a Non-immigrant O visa. Single or Multiple entries. Normally no VOG is requested there. You will then receive 90 days (O) instead of 1 year (OA) upon arrival.

You can also have those 90 days extended in Thailand for a year and then you do not have to leave Thailand. Of course you have to meet the requirements of that year extension.

Or you are going to make a “Borderrun” every 90 days, but then you must have a Multiple entry of course

See here for how to apply for a Non-immigrant O.

I assume you are asking this in a forward-looking way, because currently access to Thailand is only allowed for certain groups.



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