Questioner: Founding Father

Thai wife (Non-O) expires due to divorce, which visa is the best to stay in Thailand for at least 4-6 months?

At the beginning of November my current visa expires due to an upcoming divorce, which is almost officially completed. However, I prefer to stay in Thailand for 4-6 months a year and then 2 months NL and then go back to Thailand. Due to my age (32) a retirement visa is not possible.

I would like to hear from the experts which visa I can best apply for to be able to stay in Thailand for a long time?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Tourist Visa Single or Multiple entry whether or not combined with a Visa Exemption:

Thailand Elite might be a possibility. Costs something, but maybe that doesn't matter if you can already decide at 32 to stay in Thailand for a longer period of time.

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