Thailand Visa Question No. 271/22: TM6

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Posted in Visa question
21 August 2022

Questioner: Martin

I'm flying to the Netherlands next week for a week or two and got my re-entry permit today. Well, of course they take the departure card of the TM6 from your passport at the airport. So far clear. But .. when you come back, they don't do anything with a completed tm6 form at Immigration on Suvarnabhumi. A friend of mine came back and only got a stamp, nothing more.

Do you really need the part of the tm6 departure card to extend your Non Immigrant O visa? I'm getting a little nervous about this. Do you have to insist that the departure card is still stapled in your passport and registered in the system? Today I tried to ask Immigration in Jomtien (with my Thai wife), but we didn't get a clear answer.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

If the TM6 is suspended, you will no longer be asked to do so with your renewal. If asked anyway, you request a TM6 from that IO and fill it in on the spot. But by now they will all know that it has been temporarily suspended.

You can fill it in on arrival at the airport and hand it over to the IO, but if he/she doesn't want to stamp it, it won't help you anyway because you won't be registered with a TM6 number either.

Don't worry about it and don't insist on it being filled in. That's just as pointless.

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