Questioner: Rein

Are there any financial requirements for applying for a tourist visa (33 days)? Do you have to demonstrate sufficient income or sufficient balance in a savings or bank account? And how much must be shown for a stay of 33 days?

Thank you for your answer.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Indeed, the website only says “Bank statement showing adequate funds for your stay in Thailand”. I also always wonder why this secrecy instead of just mentioning numbers.

Tourism, Medical Treatment – ​​สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงเฮก ( 

You can perhaps take as a guideline the amount stated on the website of the Embassy in Brussels

“Copy of 6-month bank statement with a minimum balance of 700 Euros (Single Entry Tourist Visa)”

Tourist visa – Royal Thai Embassy Brussels

But you go for 33 days. 

Maybe consider going on “Visa Exemption”. You get 30 days, but you can also extend it in Thailand for 30 days. Then costs 1900 Baht.

There is a possibility that immigration will ask you to prove whether you have sufficient financial means upon entry. That is at least 20 Baht. Therefore, you do not need cash or Baht. It's rarely asked but it can happen so I'll just give it. And maybe ask your airline whether you need to show proof that you intend to leave Thailand within 000 days. Some airlines are still harassing their passengers before the Corona crisis and I don't know if they are still doing that now.

 NB. Going with a visa or on “Visa Exemption” is separate from the obligation of a CoE or other Corona requirements. They still apply.  

According to what I recently saw, a bank amount of 700 Euro can be requested when applying for a CoE for a Visa Exemption.

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