Questioner: Pat

I have residence in Bulgaria, but I have a Belgian passport and I also reside in Belgium. I wish to travel to Thailand in November. Do I have to apply for the CoE (etc. etc.) at the Thai Embassy (if Belgian) or at the Bulgarian?

Thanks in advance!

Reaction RonnyLatYa

In your case, if you have both the Belgian nationality and you are officially registered in Bulgaria, you can use both the Thai Embassy in Belgium and the Consulate in Sofia.

There only seems to be a Consulate and no Embassy in Bulgaria.

If you wish to use the road from the Consulate in Sofia, I advise you to obtain the necessary information in time because there is no information on their website about CoE.

You can go there:

Address: Sofia 1000, Parchevich 42

Contact them :

Email:[email protected]

Phone:(+359 2) 9600933, Fax: (+359 2) 9600932

Or use the contact form on their website:

Contacts / Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Thailand in Sofia (

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