Thailand Visa Question No. 203/22: E-Visa – Application

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July 10, 2022

Questioner: Henry

I have bought tickets to go to Thailand for 3 months, but am now facing the difficulty of applying for the visa online. Some things I don't understand what is meant, could someone explain it to me?

Can now only apply for an e-visa at question 6. Have I made a copy of my bank/savings account. What is meant by question 7: conformation legal residence and question 9: applicant must apply for e visa specific ambasy

I would be grateful for help

Reaction RonnyLatYa

– Conformation legal residence – You must provide proof that you live in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen, your passport will normally suffice.

– Applicant must apply for e visa specific embassy – This means that if you live in the Netherlands, you address the application to the Thai embassy in The Hague and not, for example, to the one in Brussels.

“The Embassy only has the authority to provide visa services to those who are in the Netherlands for the entire visa process. Visa applications of those who are not in the Netherlands for the entire process will be REJECTED. No refund is possible.”

This means that you must follow the requirements of the Thai embassy in The Hague. You must meet the conditions stated in this link and not just the ones you find on the evisa link.

There you will see, among other things

iv. Dutch passport or Dutch resident permit

ix. Proof of your current residency eg Dutch passport, Dutch resident permit, utility bill, etc.

You will sometimes have to charge the same thing several times and the numbering does not match that on the eVisa, but you will receive a response if you have forgotten something.

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