Questioner: Adam

Thank you for your advice on the visa types for a stay of 5 months (183/22), it helped me a lot. Incidentally, our age is over 60. Your suggestion for an STV visa seems interesting to me because I think no visa runs are necessary.

What are the conditions for that visa type?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

STV is a possibility, but as I said, it is currently still considered a temporary visa. The period that it is in use normally runs until the end of September 22. If it is not extended, you can, in principle, only stay in Thailand until the end of September. Now it remains to be seen what will be decided. Either that date will be extended, or the visa will become final or it will be terminated. I cannot predict when that decision will be made. Maybe not until September.

The conditions to apply for the visa can be found here:

Tourism for a longer duration of stay but no longer than 90 days

VISA TYPE: Special Tourist Visa (STV) (90 days stay)

FEE: 70 EUR for single entry (3 months validity)

And here:

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