Thailand Visa question No. 183/22: 5 months to Thailand

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June 29, 2022

Questioner: Adam

We want to go to Thailand for a period of 5 months, starting in October 2022. Which visa can you recommend and what are the conditions or the consequences?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

There is no visa that gives you a stay of roughly 5-6 months. Either it is too little or too much. Too bad because I think it's a hole in their visa market. Especially winter visitors would benefit from such a visa.

I don't know your age and that will also play a part in choosing.

I'll leave annual extensions for a while. That is a possibility, but you will then have to meet specific requirements, especially financial ones, in Thailand itself. But if that's not a problem and you're going to Thailand afterwards, it's worth considering.

The “borders” over land are currently open again, which also opens up some more possibilities.

1. Non-immigrant O Retired Single Entry – You get 90 days upon entry.

Following those 90 days, make a “border run” and re-enter Thailand on “Visa Exemption”. You get 30 days upon entry, which you can extend for another 30 days at immigration. Possibly afterwards a new "border run" is possible, if that would not be enough to bridge your 5 months.

2. Non-immigrant O Retired Multiple entry – You get 90 days upon entry.

With the Multiple entry and a “Borderrun” you can get another 90 days with a new entry. Sufficient for 5 months.

3. Tourist visa Single entry – Upon entry you get 60 days.

You can extend it in Thailand by 30 days.

Afterwards you have to perform a “Borderrun” and re-enter Thailand on “Visa Exemption”. You get 30 days upon entry, which you can extend for another 30 days at immigration. Possibly afterwards a new "border run" is possible, if that would not be enough to bridge your 5 months.

4. Multiple entry Tourist Visa – On entry you get 60 days

Because the METV has a Multiple entry, you can make a “Borderrun” after 60 days and you will receive another 60 days upon entry. You can repeat this again so that you arrive at 3 x 60 days, which is sufficient for a stay of 5 months.

You can also choose to delay your first and/or second 2 days by 60 days. You may not have to perform that 30rd "border run" if that is enough for your 3 month.

5. The Non-immigrant OA also remains. You immediately receive a residence period of one year upon arrival.

6. The Special Tourist Visa would also be a possibility.

You get 90 days upon entry and you can extend it in Thailand for 90 days, which is sufficient for 5 months. But at the moment the visa is still regarded as a temporary visa. That expires at the end of September and whether it will be extended or final I cannot say now. But if so, it should be considered.

You can find all the requirements of this visa here

E-Visa Categories, Fee and Required Documents – สถานเอกอัครราชทูตณ กรุงเฮก (

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