Questioner: Louis

I applied for a 6 month visa, I was informed that I cannot get this visa because I would be blacklisted, I don't know why I have been coming to Thailand for 40 years, this is a shock to me, the embassy says they are not allowed to say it, if I want to know then I have to travel to Thailand for a month.

Sir what should I do? Hoping for a favorable opinion,

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. If you have been blacklisted in Thailand, they will certainly have told you this before you left. Also what the reason and duration is. This is normally stated in your passport. This also includes the reference to the legislation on which that decision was based. People don't just do that without saying anything.

2. I find it a bit strange that the embassy would deny a visa because you are blacklisted, and then advise you to travel to Thailand on “Visa Exemption”. Why would they allow you on “Visa Exemption” I think?

3. Or is it something that is going on between you and the embassy itself and that is why they refuse you a visa and you just have to ask for it in Thailand? Did something happen between you while applying for your visa now or before?

4. You could also ask officially and send a letter to the embassy to find out the reason for the refusal if they do not want to say. Please do this by registered post.

Or see if official channels such as Foreign Affairs can help here. Go there and learn how you can find out. Maybe they would like to get in touch.

Or through a lawyer, but he will not do that for free of course.

5. In any case, traveling without knowing the reason why you are on a blacklist also seems to me to entail the necessary risks upon arrival in Thailand.

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