Thailand Visa question No. 167/23: Which visa for 95 days stay?

By Submitted Message
Posted in Visa question
27 August 2023

Questioner: Phoe maa haa

What is the best option for multiple-entry visas for stays of 95 days, for Belgian married to Thai and retired?

a. Tourist visa 30 days and extend at the immigration service? OR
b. Apply for a 95-day visa at the Embassy?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

  1. You can go on Visa Exemption (Visa exemption). You get 30 days. You can extend that period of stay by 30 days (1900) Baht and then another 60 days (1900 Baht) if you are married to a Thai. As I have often said here, the company can ask for proof upon departure that you will leave Thailand within 30 days. 
  2. You can do one first Tourist visa Single entry (40 Euro) apply via the embassy. You get 60 days. You can extend that period of stay by 30 days (1900 Baht) and then by 60 days (1900 Baht) if you are married to a Thai. Since you are only staying for 95 days, you can of course immediately request an extension of 60 days.
  3. As a married person you can also have one Nonimmigrant O (80 Euro) at the embassy. You get 90 days. You can extend that period of stay by 60 days (1900 Baht) if you are married to a Thai.

The choice is now yours.

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