Questioner: Hank

I would like to know what should be included in the invitation letter? I am married to a Thai. I did come across something from a Belgian letter, but I am Dutch. It may possibly be in Thai.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

You can indeed find an example of an invitation letter in Thai on the website of the Thai embassy in Belgium.

Example-of-Invitation-Letter.pdf (

But you can also use it for the Thai embassy in The Hague. Please note, as it stands now, it is of course addressed to the Consul in the Thai Embassy in Belgium. You just have to adjust to the Consul in the Thai Embassy in The Hague.

However, its content is only a guide and you may also draw it up as you see fit.

What matters is that it must state that the address responsible for that place of residence confirms that you will stay in Thailand at that address. He must then have it accompanied by a copy of his Thai ID card and Thai address book, which then shows that that person is the person responsible for that address. Don't forget to have it signed on both heads with date.

The text then becomes something like:

“I sir/madam… Identification number………confirms that Sir…. will travel to Thailand with Dutch nationality and there at my address (address) …. will stay.

From the (date) … to ….”

Is your wife's address something like:

I, Ma'am … Identification number ………confirms that my husband …. will travel to Thailand with Dutch nationality and there at my address (address) …. will stay.

From the (date) … to ….”

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