Questioner: Carlos

My question is somewhat the same as Eddy's. I have Married visa and turn 50 next week. Would it be best to switch to non immigrant O, that 800 k Bath is not a problem because that married visa is a lot of paperwork and photos, then under consudation and control at home.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

I do not see the problem. If you have a “Married visa”, then you already have a Non-immigrant O. You can only get that with a Non-immigrant O.

You then subsequently applied for an extension of your period of stay on the basis of “Thai Marriage”. Also because you were not 50 and this was the only option for you. If you turn 50 next week, you can do it on the basis of “Retirement.

You don't have to change your visa at all, just request your extension on the basis of “Retirement” instead of “Thai marriage”.

For your next renewal, please state “Retired” instead of “Thai Marriage” on the TM7 form if you prefer “Retired”

That's all it is for you.

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