Questioner: Margreet

Since I retired, I spend 3 winter months in a resort in Isaan. Winter 2023/24 the months of December, January and February and the same for winter 2023/24.

Now I want to add the month of March next winter. I came with a 90 day O retired visa, but that would now be 120 days. Previous questions show that I cannot extend the 90 day visa by 30 days, but only by a year, but then I will run into problems for the application in winter 2025/26.

Which option would be best for 120 days

Reaction RonnyLatYa

It is indeed a shame that you cannot extend those 90 days by 30 days at immigration.

1. One option is to make a “border run” immediately after the 90 days. This gives you 30 days to reach those 120 days. You can extend this by 30 days, which gives you the option to stay up to 150 days.

2. But a one-year extension is also an option and then you do not have to leave Thailand.

– You can already apply for your annual extension 30 days before your 90 days expire, in other words after 60 days of stay. Your annual extension will always follow those 90 days. This year you will stay until March, so you could already enjoy your annual extension in March. Next year you can also apply for the new annual extension 30 days before the end date. Thanks to the annual extension, you no longer have to leave exactly after 90 days, but you can leave after 95 or 100 or whatever.

– What you could also do, and if this is possible, and if you would prefer to renew the annual extension a little earlier each year, is to leave a month earlier this year. For example, early November instead of early December. Your 90 days will then expire sometime at the end of January and this will also be the case in subsequent years. If you go again every year in December, January and February, you will always have enough time to apply for your next annual extension, since it expires at the end of January.

That means leaving a little earlier this year.

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