Questioner: HansB

Many Dutch people have a visa in Thailand that requires them to leave the country every three months. That's getting harder now. I think that information about how and where this can still be done is very useful. If entering and exiting becomes impossible, can people go to immigration?

Questioner: Lung Heng

My non-O visa expires next month and my return flight to the Netherlands has been cancelled. So I'm going to incur overstay. According to BKK Post, Immigration will handle this smoothly. But how smooth?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. As you can see I have merged two questions because the topic is the same and so is the answer.

2. At the moment (as I write this) I don't have any info from immigration on how they are going to handle this. I can't get any further than "people are working on it". So I can't tell you what they're going to do.

3. The simplest would be to give everyone the option to extend their stay period by 30 days each time. As far as I am concerned, those who have a multiple entry may even obtain a period of stay that corresponds to their visa, ie METV with 60 days and Non-immigrant with 90 days. By the way, I have never seen the point of "border runs" other than that it brings in money (transport, visa offices, visas for another country, etc)

4. You will also have read that Phuket allows an extension of 30 days if you can present a letter from the embassy. Insofar as you can get hold of that letter from the embassy, ​​this is actually an existing rule. can be found in these documents.

– Order of the immigration bureau No. 138/2557 Subject: Supporting documents for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom of Thailand- Order of the ummigration bureau No. 327/2557 Subject: Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom of Thailand

2.28 In the case of necessity, with certification or request made by an embassy or consulate:

(1) In the case of necessity, each permission shall be granted for no more than 30 days.

5. I may have another solution, but I don't know if it's feasible, but I'll give it anyway.

Suppose you could make a “border run” to a country that still leaves its borders open and you had the necessary insurance requirements (100 000 dollars) to re-enter Thailand, it might be possible to get tested in Thailand and then make a “border run” with that proof within 72 hours. You then have a Thai proof that you are "Corona free".

But I say it, it's just a brain twister for me and take it for what it's worth.

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