Questioner: Els

It's time to extend my stay period. I have a non-immigrant visa, and my period of stay ends on January 10. Do I need anything besides a copy of my passport, passport photo, bank statement, rental agreement and in-outbound insurance? For example a health statement? Drawing and/or Google maps of the location of my rented house? covid insurance?

Is there a site with current information?

Thank you in advance.

Reply RonnyLatya

Normally the following and usually in 2 copies:

  • Application form TM7
  • Passport + copy of full passport
  • Copy TM6
  • Copy TM30
  • Copy TM47 (Where applicable)
  • Bank letter and copy of bank book (update day itself)
  • Rental agreement. Sometimes the details of the lessor are also requested, including an ID card.
  • Insurance. The question is whether your immigration office has already switched to the 100 000 Dollar (general insurance) for an annual renewal, whether they still apply the old 40 000/400 000 Baht out/in insurance. Changed last year but some still accept 40 000/400 000 Baht out/in for renewals. You should inquire.
  • Drawing to your house (possible)
  • COVID insurance is normally only required to enter Thailand, not to renew.
  • Health certificate normally not, although there are some who do require it.

That should be about it. But each immigration office has its own rules. It is therefore best to visit or contact your immigration office. They usually have a list of what people specifically want to see there and will immediately give you clarity about the insurance.

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