Questioner: Rocky

The question I'm asking now must have been asked hundreds of times, therefore confusing for me. I have lived in both North Thailand and South (ptty) from 2009 to 2015, returned a few times for a few month to year to NL. Now in 2023 I would like to go back, but now to immigrate. I am not wealthy, do not own a house, have no savings, have a gross disability benefit of 1600 €, am 64 years old and do not have a relationship, but I do have an 8-year-old lassie dog that comes along.

I've googled a lot but can't figure it out. Who can tell me exactly, step by step, how I can get a residence visa / papers. What I need and I want legally, not the risk that I will soon be deported, jailed or labeled a fraudster. Because I'll give up everything here. And then want to come with a one way ticket, and live in Ptty or surrounding area. So will also want to rent a small house with enclosed garden for long term, where a dog is of course allowed and preferably not too far from walking area.

I look forward to hearing from you, with thanks and trust.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

I'm afraid there isn't much to explain step by step with the info you provide. Two possibilities I think.

1. To obtain an annual period of residence as a Retired, you must meet the financial requirements of immigration in Thailand.

– At least 800 000 Baht in a bank account


– Income of at least 65 000 Baht


– Combination of a bank amount (note that a minimum of 400 Baht will usually be required) and an income that must be at least 000 Baht together on an annual basis.

If you do not have the opportunity to prove this annually, it will already stop. So make sure you have that certainty first, because the information you provide does not show that at the moment. €)

2. Alternatively, you can just do as you apparently did from 2009 to 2015 and stay in Thailand the same way (however that may have been) and until you are able to meet the immigration requirements .

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