Questioner: Gerard

I arrived in BKK in September with a 2 months e-visa, then extended for 30 days in Lak Si. Made a border run to Malaysia and then with Bangkok Buddy (great service) to Cambodia (visa until March 15).

I'm staying until mid-April so I have to make another border run to Cambodia. However, I heard that you can extend one more time in Bangkok. The person I spoke to talked about IT square, which is only for people from Laos/Cambodia, but where you can go. It wasn't all that clear. The IT square I found on Google is near Lak Si. The only other option I found was the Suan Phlu Detention Center also for visas for Laos and Cambodia.

Does anyone have experience with this or know how I can extend my visa in bangkok? (I know Lak Si can't). Otherwise I have to make another border run with Bangkok Buddy to Cambodia, but then my 2 land border visits will be over. I know I should have taken a multiple entry, but I'll do that next time.

Thank you very much for the response.

Comment Lung Addie:

An extension at the detention center in Suan Phiu will probably not be possible, just like in Lak Si, for the same reason you write yourself: only for people from Laos and Cambodia.

However, Suan Phui is in Bankok, why don't you immediately go to an immigration office in Bangkok? Can't be 1000 km further.

Since you yourself write that if you were to make a new border run to Cambodia, the possibility of making more would be exhausted. So I have to assume that your intentions are to stay in Thailand much longer.

So I can only advise you: make a visa run and apply for a new correct visa. You'll eventually have to do it anyway. You will not run the risk, one day or another, of being refused entry to Thailand because of 'wrong visa'.

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