When are there the most mosquitoes in Thailand?

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Posted in Reader question
April 12, 2019

Dear readers,

I hate mosquitoes. That's because I always get punctured and also get huge itchy bumps. Of course I apply Deet, but that doesn't always help and I refuse to wear long pants in that heat.

What I wondered in which period are there the most mosquitoes in Thailand? Now it is the dry period so I assume that there are fewer mosquitoes than, for example, after the rainy season, is that correct?



10 responses to “In which period are there the most mosquitoes in Thailand?”

  1. Enrico says up

    In the rainy season the most mosquitoes. Shallow and stagnant water is ideal for the development of the larvae. It is the pregnant females who need your blood.

  2. Dirk Quatacker says up

    Dear Harry.
    Only vitamin B complex works for me. On the recommendation of a doctor and read on the internet. Start taking the vitamin a month in advance before I leave for Thailand. And take it further.
    Greetings Dirk

  3. Jack S says up

    Normally, I think you have a little more mosquitoes after a rainy period. The rainy season is officially between June and October. So then you have more. And it depends where you live. In a wetland area you have more mosquitoes than somewhere where it stays dry for longer.
    In the cities you have more problems with mosquitoes outside at night, because they then come from the moist sewers. These, in my non-scientific opinion, carry the most diseases.
    The time when the mosquitoes are most active is around sunset and sunrise. A little less at night and during the day.
    And from what I've just read, it doesn't really matter if you have a light on at night or not, mosquitoes go for the smell and not the light, like many beetles do, or the mix in other words, which after the first start of the rain with millions going out. They don't do anything about themselves, but are just creepy.
    So if you want to avoid getting stung, apply sunscreen or don't go out until after sunset. I also don't wear long pants and I hardly get stung.

  4. Karel says up


    Buy mosquito killers anyway, cost 950 Bhat at Home Pro and various others and work perfectly.
    Have 3 of them now, even one outside.

  5. Albert says up

    Dear Harry,
    The best time is unknown to me, what I do know and always use is white tiger balsam against the mosquitoes.
    It smells a bit, but success is assured that you will not be bothered by the mosquitoes.
    Anyway, it always works perfectly for me.

  6. Remko says up

    Hello Harry,

    That's right. In the period December to April you have the fewest mosquitoes and the most during the rainy season. However, it also depends on the place where you go in Thailand and you can also have to deal with these annoying spikes in the period December – April. When you get stung, and this doesn't only apply to mosquitoes, jamong (I don't know the correct and Thai spelling but well known in Thailand) a green and cooling paste is a very good remedy for the bumps and itching.

  7. Christian says up

    Indeed Harry, in the rainy season there are more mosquitoes. I have been living in Thailand for over 17 years, so I have experience.
    In the dry season, a heavy thunderstorm can cause an increase in mosquitoes, especially where the water remains for a longer period of time.
    Avoid walking through tall grasses and crops, especially where there is regular spraying.

  8. to print says up

    There are always mosquitoes in Thailand. at least that's my experience, after living in Thailand for 12 years.

    There are always waterholes, rice fields (2x pjoogsten), in short, always sources where mosquitoes can lay their eggs.

    At my home, Northern Thailand, there were always mosquitoes. Air conditioning and an automatic sprayer made that they are not often found in the house. The geckos outside thank me for that…..

  9. Jane says up

    There are mosquitoes (mosquitos, yoong in thai) all year round and in every Thai place. Much more important is how high you are and how much open standing water is nearby. ACs that have been standing still for a long time are also notorious for the mosquito clouds that can then emerge in them.
    In the few regions where there is a real danger from mosquitoes (malaria and other z) there is almost always a mosquito net over the beds, which is usually the most effective defence.
    Also in Th is made something that looks like tiger balm, but is stiffer and white, there are more brands, but I use something with monkey praying (white box, red inscription) on it (for sale in every pharmacy - 10 or 12 bt for small box) which helps well just in case. Does not stain.

  10. ruud says up

    Since mosquitoes can also lay their eggs in the sewers, there are mosquitoes in all cities all year round.
    Except maybe in Chiang mai, where the mosquitoes may not have survived the smoke.

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