A wealthy lady in her seventies suddenly dies. And in the afterlife she meets the Yommabaan, ruler of the underworld, who will guide her on her further journey.

She begs him to be allowed to return to earthly existence for another two months and gives the reason: “I still have so much to do!!”.
“What do you have to do then?” asks the Jommabaan.
"I haven't made a will yet, and I have to say goodbye to my children and friends and I have to deal with people who owe me money, and much more."
“No”, says the Jommabaan.
“One month then,” she begs.
“No”, is the answer. "No, no, not a second." “Didn't you get my messages? I message everyone and I have messaged you several times over the years”. “No”, says the lady, “I never received it”.

The Jommabaan then says: “That is not true. Do you already have gray hair?”.
“Yes,” she replies, a bit surprised.
“That was the first message. Have you already lost teeth?”. “Yes” she replies. “That was the second message and do you have pain in your knees, pain in your back? So I have sent messages several times”.

"So you've had plenty of time to prepare, but you've been ignoring the messages."

The moral: Memento mori!

Have you received any such messages?

Submitted by Thijs Bos

1 thought on “Reader submission: The message from Jo-maa-baan, in other words: “taken from life””

  1. Glass says up

    I think the moral is more: Carpe Diem

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