Computerized Photos (Reader Submission)

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April 14, 2023

In addition to ChatGPT, you also have the search engine app from BING with an AI and a few more apps. One of the apps is a photo generator, which takes photos of the data you provide yourself.

The last pictures I had taken are: Bangkok covered in snow, tuk-tuks, taxis and christmas decoration. The pictures were very similar to a number of pictures that I, I believe, have already seen here on Thailandblog.

Now the question arises… would these also be computer-controlled photos? See here: What do you think?

Submitted by Jack S.

11 Responses to “Computerized Photos (Reader Submission)”

  1. Peter (editor) says up

    Nice. Bangkok painted by Vermeer, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Appel:
    Van Gogh

    • HansSteen says up

      What program did you use to make these images Peter?

      • Peter (editor) says up

        You can with BING Dall.E:

  2. Jack S says up

    Awesome Peter. Do you also know midjourney 5? I just heard about it. Seems to work even better.

    • Peter (editor) says up

      Have read something about it, but never tried it, the AI ​​possibilities are now shooting up like mushrooms.

    • Chris says up

      A number of artists have already complained that AI simply copies their style of work (which is prohibited) and that they are going to lose their living.

      • Jan says up

        Another bullshit story. Exactly as if an AI could sell works of art.

        A painting on canvas by a real artist will always have its value. A printout on paper from an AI is good for the rubbish bin.

      • Ger Korat says up

        Just a little while and AI will look up all images, paintings, drawings that resemble the work of the complaining artist and then the artist will be criticized for copying it from predecessors. Little is original and with billions of earthlings there is always a group that made the same artistically in the past.

  3. Kevin Oil says up

    I'm trying something now with Adobe Firefly, results are sometimes very good, but not always.

  4. Rob V says up

    Tried once a month or two ago and now again. Objects work quite well, but with people (faces, limbs) or symbols (text, logos) the result is far from sufficient. It is certainly not surprising for a nice creative postcard or something artistic.

  5. peter says up

    Didn't see the photos of Trump's arrest? AI fixed.
    About 2 weeks ago in yahoo news.

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