Maarten Vasbinder lives in Isaan. His profession is general practitioner, a profession that he mainly practiced in Spain. On Thailandblog he answers questions from readers who live in Thailand.

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  • Medication use, including supplements, etc.
  • Smoking, alcohol
  • Overweight
  • Any laboratory results and other tests
  • Possible blood pressure

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Dear Martin,

Can you tell me what forms I need to fill out if I need to bring the Liraglutide (injection pen) and 2 boxes of needles to Thailand. I already have a statement from the specialist that I need these medicines, but I don't know if I will be faced with surprises when I enter Thailand.

We leave on Thursday 20 October. Please respond asap so I can sort things out.

Thanks in advance and best regards,



Dear N,

The specialist's statement in English is more than enough.


Dr. Maarten

Do you have a question for Maarten and do you live in Thailand? Send this to the editor: It is important that you provide the correct information (see list at the top of the page).

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