The mourning caterpillar (Lalage melaschistos synonym: Coracina melaschistos), in Thai: นกเฉี่ยวบุ้งใหญ่, nok chiew bong yai, is a bird of the caterpillar family. The bird is found in the Indian subcontinent, China and Indochina.

The mourning caterpillar is on average 24 cm long. The bird is very similar to the dwarf caterpillar and the Indochinese caterpillar. The mourning caterpillar is usually colored a darker gray with black flight feathers.

The mourning rushbird is found in northern India, the Himalayan region, China, Hainan, Taiwan, Myanmar, northern Laos, Tenasserim, Thailand and northern and central Vietnam. It is a bird that prefers hill country forest between 300 and 1500 m above sea level. The bird's diet consists mainly of caterpillars, beetles and other insects.

4 Responses to “Birdwatching in Thailand: The Mourning Crawler Bird (Lalage melaschistos synonym: Coracina melaschistos)”

  1. Bertie says up

    I may not be an ornithologist, but I like to see. I have also been following the peregrine falcon on the mortar at Gemert for a few seasons

    • ser cook says up

      I have been living in Thailand for about 10 years.
      So that peregrine falcon (or its offspring) is still there.
      Good to hear, because I've been following that for a long time too.

      • Bertie says up

        Ser Kokke,

        Yes, they are still in the tower. Things have changed and changed.

        You can follow it via "experience spring"

        the eggs hatch about Wednesday

  2. TheoB says up

    According to, nok chiew bong yai should be written nohk chiaao boong yai ( or nok chiao bung yai (Royal Thai General System).

    นกเฉี่ยวบุ้งใหญ่ to Dutch sounds: nók chi-àuw bôeng Jài (H, L, D, L).

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