The North of Thailand has a beautiful unspoilt nature, so you can go into the mountains. The highest mountain in Thailand is the Doi inthanon (2.565 meters). The area around this mountain, which is a foothill of the Himalayas, forms a beautiful national park with an unusually rich flora and fauna, more than 300 different bird species live there.

The top of this mountain is shrouded in mist. It can be quite cold here so if you are going that way take extra clothes with you. Along the way you can view beautiful Pagodas with a special Chedi, which were built in honor of the Thai King and Queen. In the visitor center you get all the information about the area. Certainly spectacular are the beautiful waterfalls of Mae Klang or Vachiratham.

Doi Inthanon, located in the north of Thailand, is a true paradise for nature lovers. In this article we take you on a journey of discovery through the diverse flora and fauna that you can find here.

Flora at Doi Inthanon

As part of the Doi Inthanon National Park, the area is rich in diverse plant species. You will be amazed by the beautiful flowers, trees and other vegetation that can be found here. In addition, the park is home to some rare and endangered species.

Rhododendrons in bloom

One of the most striking appearances is the rhododendrons, especially during their flowering period from January to March. These colorful flowers adorn the mountain slopes and provide a picturesque scene.

Dense forests and unique trees

The forests of Doi Inthanon are diverse and home to a wide variety of tree species. For example, you can encounter the Siamese Sal, a rare and endangered tree. This tree plays an important role in local ecosystems.

Fauna at Doi Inthanon

Not only the flora is impressive, the fauna of Doi Inthanon also deserves attention. More than 360 bird species have made their home here, making it an excellent destination for bird watchers.

Exotic bird species

Some special bird species that you can encounter are the green peacock, the Indian blue pitta and the Indian giant squirrel. Keep your eyes open and don't forget your binoculars!

Mammals in the park

In addition to birds, you will also find various mammals in Doi Inthanon. From small mammals such as bats and squirrels, to larger species such as deer and even some elephants. Mind you, the chance of spotting them is small.

In short, visit the roof of Thailand and enjoy a unique flora and fauna.

Video: Doi Inthanon – Thailand's highest mountain

Watch the video here:

6 thoughts on “Doi Inthanon – Northern Thailand (video)”

  1. Patrick says up

    There is also an observatory research center that you can visit.
    At the second control post there is a road on the left which leads you through side branches to a series of waterfalls. There is also camping facilities.
    That side road further on is also very beautiful. You then have beautiful views.
    Nice area for a day trip from chiang mai by car.

  2. Ad van de Graft says up

    It's a great environment Nov. Been on that mountain in 2013.
    Nature is beautiful, some fog and rain that day, but fortunately we also saw the sun.
    If you are in that area, definitely recommended, take a taxi driver, the bends are, as always in the high mountains, confusing and many mopeds and motorcycles and other traffic.

    Nice video, immediately homesick hope to go in that direction again this year.

    good luck with Thailandblog, I read it every day…Beautiful!


  3. janbeute says up

    For me an hour's ride on the bike and then I'm at the top.
    From my high-rise teahouse I can see the top if the air is clean.
    Beautiful surroundings with lots of natural beauty and birds.
    And nice and cool all year round, on the way to the top also many beautiful waterfalls.
    Located on the Mae honson loop.
    Just a pity about that army lookout and radar post.

    Jan Beute

  4. Peter says up

    When you go there, keep in mind that it can be quite a bit colder above than below. We were there at the beginning of February, below it was about 35 degrees but above only 13.

    A few weeks later it was even -5.
    Bring an extra sweater, fleece or jacket for when you go upstairs.

  5. Kampen butcher shop says up

    Go upstairs by bike. The Thai do that, once a year it is even a big event. Up and down on the strangest bikes. Many exhausted walking or staggering next to their bicycle. Last year I even saw 1 with 1 shoe. But persevere. Farangs also participate. More than 1 kilometers with a considerable gradient. And little oxygen upstairs. Respect for the pensioners I met up there with their bicycles. And I? I thought: If only I had my racing bike from Holland here! I love this!

  6. Bang Saray NL says up

    It is indeed worth it, I was there last week, highly recommended, so I drove the car towards Chang Mai on the navigation tom-tom that sent me along road 4016, wow, a two-lane road. Highly recommended as a car ride through the mountains with slopes of 8 percent.

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